[Second Draft: With scaled-back objectives aimed at submitting a basic working Game as proof of concept]
Due to the scope of the game as a whole, My objective is now to build a proof of concept-game. I propose to work on the following milestones.
- The [PLAYER1] objective is to collect treasurePoints while traversing an obstacle course.
- WINNING points are based on collated point and time spent against PLAYER2 or against the computer.
- Collision with creature[OBSTACLES] will reduce point while captured food will increase helth
- Winners are entered into the hall of fame: archived into the scoreRecords[recordKEEPER]
- Losers get to quit or try again [RepeatGAME]
######Title: Mermaid Fun Racing Game. A game (inspired by suggestions from my daughters, Izzy & Tori) that runs in the DOM drive by javascript.
- Wireframe √ Done
- Collate & Design Game Characters √ Done
- Create Pseudo Code √ Done
- Research on How to build game tracks (js++) √ Done
- MockUp Prototype √ Done
- Create HTML IntroSCREEN * WorkInProgress(WIP)
- Create Player Assignment and Game Mode Selection [optionPage], Code (sprite)character maneuverability
- Define Characters Objects, Classes, Functions, Game-Controls, EnergyLevels, ScoreKeepR in accordance with Mod1 project specifications.
- Design an obstacle course for first-swim-Race [Level1: PracticeTRACK] a simple track with randomized obstacles.
- Build a race Track [other levels will be built for full version of the game]
- Link all pages and modals and test for bugs as well as;
- Responsiveness & WCAG Compatibility
- Advance javascripts scripting & testing
- Review & Test for bugs
- Get Alpha Testers
- Request /User Feedback
- CleanUp codes & refactor codes for efficiency
- Push Code to master
- Prep for Final Presentation
- Shock & Awe
Wed: Project.Next
Thur: Sleep | Eat | Code...
[First Draft; Aimed at The Full Game Version]
Due to the scope of the game as a whole, I objective is to build a proff of concept-game. I propose to work on the following milestones.
Title: Mermaid Fun Racing Game. [MFRG for short] - OR - [ MerFuRaG for short] This is a javascript game that runs in the DOM. It was inspired by suggestions from my daughters, Izzy & Tori. This game is thus based on the specifications of my first "real life" clients!
#####You have the option to;
- Your[PLAYER1] objectives are to collect as many treasures as you can while racing against a friend [PLAYER2] or Herxaula[theAi].
- You can choose to race against the time [theCLOCK] or compete based on points [capturedTREASURE]
- You will face creatures[OBSTACLES], helpers[PowerUPs;blasterTRIDENTS,immunityCLOCKS], grid-paths[mazeTRACKS] as well as random-weather-patterns[oceanCURRENTS;earthTREMORS;heatWAVES,lavaSPILLS]
- When you win, you get archived into the scoreRecords[recordKEEPER]
- If you lose, you are given the option to try again[RepeatGAME]
- Wireframe
- Collate & Design Game Characters
- Create Pseudo Code
- Research on How to build game tracks (js++)
- MockUp Prototype
- Create HTML IntroSCREEN
- Create User Authentication & Option Selection [at the very least: Create dumb buttons]
- Define Characters Objects, Classes, Functions for Game-Physics: RandomizeObstacles, Gravity, Heat,Fatigue,Health,Speed,Drag,EnergyLevels,ScoreKeepR/MonitoR,voiceEffect,SoundEffects,RecordArrays,LocatoR,gPS (gamePositioningSystem)}, TrackGrid.....
- Design a simple track with 3 randomized obstacles OR creatures with/without game physics for testing character motion.
- Code (sprite)character maneuverability
- Build Tracks [Up to 6 tracks/levels]
- Link all pages and modals and test for:
- Responsiveness & WCAG Compatibility
- Review Progress and Re-access Processes
- Gap Night [Got to the movies Or something]
- Advance javascripts scripting & testing
- Review & Test for bugs
- Get Alpha Testers
- Request /User Feedback
- CleanUp codes & refactor codes for efficiency
- Push Code to master
- Prep for Final Presentation
- Shock & Awe
Wed: Project.Next
Thur: Sleep | Eat | Code...