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Releases: Daylily-Zeleen/GD-EOS

GD-EOS v0.1.7

06 Jun 17:08
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Fix compile system: Ensure android build can link to the correct lib EOSSDK.

Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7

GD-EOS v0.1.6

24 May 05:16
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  1. Fix crash when exiting.
  2. Add "exit" button to demo.

Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6

GD-EOS v0.1.5

05 May 15:35
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  1. Update EOS SDK to 1.16.3 (🤖exporting for Android have some change, please refer to


  1. Fix the return value of EOSMultiplayerPeer::add_mesh_peer().

Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.1.5

GD-EOS v0.1.4

23 Apr 09:51
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  1. String type conversions.
  2. Fix double free in file transferation's callbacks.


  1. Special handling for file transferation.
  2. Add out_data_buffer to EOSPlayerDataStorage_WriteFileDataCallbackInfo instead of callback output argument (this is due to GDExtension limitation).
  3. Optimize the generate logic of EOS struct's classes, get rid of useless union type fields, clearify the typed array binding.
  4. Add find_user_id and find_unique_id to EOSMultiplayerPeer, for instead of get_peer_id and get_user_id to get "peer_id" or "user_id" if you don't need to distinguish between local and remote.


  1. Add more known issues to readme (due to EOS self or GDExtension limitation).
  2. Begin this release, I will only upload the all-platforms pack, to avoid users download release pack only and can't work correctly in editor.
    If you need seperated versions, please goto github actions page, or compile by yourself.

Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4

GD-EOS v0.1.3

16 Apr 08:08
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Build with EOS SDK 1.16.1.

🤖Android initialization. Here is how to exporting Android.

The required libraries in gdeos.gdextension are without .dev suffix currently.

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3

GD-EOS v0.1.2

12 Apr 05:18
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  1. Push warning instead of error when getting interface failed (maybe due to platform limitation).
  2. Ensure auto compile use godot-cpp 4.2-stable.

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2

GD-EOS v0.1.1

10 Apr 09:51
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  1. Allow create platform without encryption key (in this case, EOSPlayerDataStorage and EOSTitleStorage are not working).
  2. Push a waring instead of error when setup notify failed.

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1

GD-EOS v0.1.0

07 Apr 14:37
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Compile with EOS SDK EOS-SDK-32273396-v1.16.2.


  1. Add EOSEpicAccountId and EOSProductUserId instead of String, to clearify the arguments type.
  2. Add EOSMultiplayerConnectionInfo instead of Dictionary for passing infomation by EOSMultiplayer's signals.
  3. Bind EOS SDK Version Infomations.
  4. Bind Constants.
  5. Add test_project.

Any bug fix please refer to the cheng log:

Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.1.0

GD-EOS v0.0.3

03 Apr 10:06
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GD-EOS v0.0.3 Pre-release

Compiled with EOS-SDK-32273396-v1.16.2.


  1. Flags enums are boundas BitField.
  2. Optimaze stringify.
  3. Generate constants binding (constant strings are bound as static methods).
  4. Optimize memory management (Vec3, Quat, String...).

GD-EOS v0.0.1

30 Mar 07:25
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GD-EOS v0.0.1 Pre-release

The first release.
Compile with EOS SDK 1.6.1