Angular Seed projects are good reference
- Basics for learning:
- Real-world:
- Overkill?:
- Modular/Scalable:
Excellent video tutorials:
Directory of AngularJS modules:
Sites built with AngularJS:
Batarang Chrome extension helps you debug a running AngularJS app
Avoid cross-origin errors with ajax when running localhost Chrome command line option: --disable-web-security
Initialize and display a (model) value
- View-only, no controller
Templating similar to Handlebars, Mustache {{}} is Angular's evaluation directive
Hide and show an element
- Using view only
- Using controller variables, methods
API call and display list of items
- Controller AJAX via $http
- View display using ng-repeat
AngularJS is:
SPA (Single Page Application, vs. Round Trip)
framework (not a library)
extends HTML (via directives)
two-way data binding
dependency injection
First-class development! (which happens to be in browser)
AngularJS takes care of:
- DOM Manipulation
- Setting Up Listeners and Notifiers
- Input Validation
AngularJS parts:
- modules
- routes
- controllers
- services
- filters
- directives
Don't write DOM manipulation code
jQuery not required; Try to get by without it
- jqLite included for selectors
AngularJS help for jQuery mindset:
index.html: base markup app.js: root initializer for the angular app configure modules configure routing run() controller.js:
Lots of different syntax:
- Normal vs. Minified
- string-along vs. separated in same file vs. separate files
View > Template
View > Template > Controller
Assigned via ng-controller
Assigned via route
All services are singletons (by default; you can change this, but very rare to need this)
Included: $http, $resource, $location, $window
constant value factory service provider
Extend factory service using decorator pattern
- To be added for next mentoring session
Custom components
Teach HTML new tricks
Useful when you find yourself writing imperative code in your view
- To be added for next mentoring session
via 'specs' using Jasmine
a.k.a., 'e2e' or 'end to end'
via 'scenarios' using Jasmine
Local browser apps PhantomJS library, headless, good for CI server