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The Anime Library app helps users manage their anime watchlists and receive personalized recommendations for new anime to watch. Admins have special access to manage the anime library and user reviews.

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Features
  3. Tech Stack
  4. Setup and Installation
  5. Usage
  6. Environment Variables
  7. Advanced Features
  8. Challenges Faced
  9. Known Bugs
  10. Future Improvements
  11. Links


C-Anime Platform is a comprehensive web application designed for anime enthusiasts. It allows users to find their favorite anime, add them to a personalized watchlist, leave comments, like or dislike anime, and much more. This project is built using React and TypeScript, leveraging various APIs and Firebase for data management and authentication.


Core Functionality:

  1. User Authentication

    • Secure Firebase authentication with options for Google sign-in and password reset.
  2. Anime Search and Explore

    • Search for anime using the search bar or explore new anime through carousels on the homepage.
  3. Anime Details

    • View detailed information about an anime, including trailers and manga links.
    • Perform actions such as liking, disliking, commenting, and adding to the watchlist.
  4. Watchlist Management

    • Add anime to your watchlist.
    • Manage your watchlist by removing anime or marking them as watched.

Enhanced Features:

  1. Real-time Comments

    • Leave live comments on anime pages, fostering a community atmosphere.
  2. Responsive Design

    • A responsive layout ensures the platform works seamlessly across different devices.
  3. Interactive UI

    • Smooth interactions and dynamic content updates enhance the user experience.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, TypeScript, HTML, CSS
  • Libraries: Firebase, React Router, React Icons, Axios, Lodash, Swiper, styled-components, @mui/material
  • State Management: React State and Context API
  • Backend: Firebase for authentication and real-time data storage
  • APIs: AniList and Jikan

Setup and Installation

To set up and run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository from GitHub:

    • git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    • cd c-anime-platform
  3. Install the necessary dependencies:

    • npm install
  4. Set up Firebase configuration:

    • Create a .env file in the root directory.
    • Add your Firebase configuration variables (see Environment Variables).
  5. Start the development server:

    • npm start
  6. Open the app in your web browser:

    • Visit http://localhost:3000


  1. Home Page:

    • Browse through carousels to explore new anime.
    • Use the search bar to find specific anime.
  2. User Authentication:

    • Login or sign up to access personalized features.
    • Use Google sign-in or reset your password if needed.
  3. Anime Details:

    • Click on an anime to view detailed information.
    • Like, dislike, or comment on the anime.
    • Add anime to your watchlist.
  4. Watchlist Management:

    • Access the watchlist page to manage your watchlist.
    • Remove anime or mark them as watched.

Environment Variables

The application requires a .env file to store environment-specific configurations.

  1. Create a .env file:

    • Copy the provided .env.template file to .env:
      • cp .env.template .env
  2. Edit the .env file:

    • Fill in the required environment variables. Below are examples of variables you might need:

Advanced Features

  1. Real-time Data Synchronization:

    • The app syncs user comments, likes, and watchlist in real-time using Firebase.
  2. Enhanced UI/UX with MUI:

    • The app uses Material-UI for a polished and responsive user interface.
  3. Debounced Actions:

    • Debounced actions for likes and dislikes to optimize performance and avoid redundant updates.

Challenges Faced

  1. Handling API Data:

    • Ensuring seamless integration and data consistency when fetching anime data from AniList and Jikan APIs.
  2. State Management:

    • Managing state across various components and ensuring real-time updates for a responsive user experience.
  3. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Issues:

    • We encountered CORS issues when making API requests directly to the MyAnimeList API.
  4. Customizing MUI Components with TypeScript:

    • Customizing MUI components using TypeScript was difficult due to complex types and styling conflicts with custom CSS modules.

Known Bugs

  • Responsive Layout: Certain components may not render optimally on very small screens. Improvements are planned for better mobile support.
  • API Rate Limits: Occasionally, API rate limits can cause delays in fetching anime data during peak usage.

Future Improvements

  1. Enhanced Mobile Support:

    • Improve the responsive design for better usability on mobile devices.
  2. User Roles and Permissions:

    • Extend the authentication system to support different user roles and permissions.
  3. Detailed Analytics and Reporting:

    • Add comprehensive analytics and reporting features to provide insights into user activities and preferences.
  4. Admin Panel:

    • Implement an admin panel for managing user data, comments, and anime listings.



The Anime Library app helps users manage their anime watchlists and receive personalized recommendations for new anime to watch. Admins have special access to manage the anime library and user reviews.





