A colourful interactive menu for the linux command line. Similar to the command 'dialog'.
Build using CLion on Ubuntu 18.04
CMDPages_lib requires libraries: ncurses CMDPagesTest requires libraries: gtest, gmock
Build commands:
cmake --build {PATH_TO_PROJECT}/CMD-Pages/build/ --target CMDPages_lib
cmake --build {PATH_TO_PROJECT}/CMD-Pages/build/ --target CMDPagesTest
cmake --build {PATH_TO_PROJECT}/CMD-Pages/build/ --target CMDPages
The CMDPages executable is an example menu which uses CMDPages_lib, to create your own interactive menu you can use CMDPages_lib.
CMDPagesTest can be run to test CMDPages_lib.
- Page
- MenuPage
- FileBrowserPage
Basic page setup:
PagesDisplayLoop pagesDisplayLoop = PagesDisplayLoop();
Page emptyPage = Page("EmptyPage",{40,10});
MenuPage initialPage = MenuPage("Main Menu", {&emptyPage});