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I discovered Advent of Code just before December 2018 and had a lot of fun (except for the problems that were making me swear a lot...but I guess they were kind of fun too). I eventually went back and did all of the 2017 problems as well.

Two weeks in the 2018 problems, I began to find JavaScript a bit too frustrating so I fell back to Python on Day 14, but that felt like cheating. I would still like to work on a language I don't know as well (my day job is C# and SQL and I am pretty comfortable with Python). I did do a couple of the 2018 puzzles in C for variety.

I feel a little guilty abandoning JavaScript so I went back to it for the 2017 problem set.

For 2019 I did rust, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. I think this is a "it's not you, it's me" situation. I just never got to the point with rust where coding in it wasn't agony. It's also not well suited to quick, rapid-prototype style coding that Advent of Code encourages.

For 2020, I did C# to learn some of newer features of C# 8.0 and 9.0 I haven't paid too much attention to, and maybe dive deeper into LINQ than I have in the past.

For 2021, I am using C# once more. I am expecting to be pressed for time this year so I'm going to stick with my comfort food language. (C#: the poutine, mashed potatoes, or Kraft Dinner of programming languages!)

As of Fall 2022 I still need to go back and try to finish 2021. Day 21 onward was beginning to hurt my brain...

I've also begun working through 2015 in F#, which has been a fun language so far.