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This readme file is a work in progress...

Setup windows environment for development

  1. Setup virtualenv (python version 3.6.3+) and install dependencies.

Run from project folder:

python -m pip install --user virtualenv
python -m virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Customize and rename it to

  2. Download and install postgres v10.x, then create the qldf database.

Run from "..\PostgreSQL\10\bin":

createdb -U postgres -T template0 -E utf-8 -l american_usa qldf
  1. Create database tables and populate with test data.

Run from \scripts in the virtualenv:

python scripts\
python scripts\

  1. Setup database migration directory.

Run in the virtualenv:

python scripts\ db init

Generate requirements.txt

Run in the virtualenv:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Update the database schema

Whenever changes are made to database models in any file run the following to update the database.

Run in the virtualenv:

python scripts\ db migrate
python scripts\ db upgrade

To revert changes:

python scripts\ db downgrade

Deploying on Heroku

Follow these instructions:

Set the following config vars:

QLDF_CONFIG = config.heroku_config
PORT = 5000
SECRET_KEY = yoursupersecretkey

Create the database tables.

Other scripts can be ran in a similar way.

heroku run python scripts/

Some other useful heroku cli commands

# Start web dyno
heroku ps:scale web=1
# Open page
heroku open


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