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Radke, Andreas edited this page Jul 15, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the TAPAS wiki!

First remarks

This wiki serves (at least) three purposes:

  1. A technical description of the functionality of TAPAS
  2. A documentation for the code
  3. How-tos for specific problems

Since the original wiki was in German and contained a lot of legacy-stuff we recreate this wiki from scratch. Therefore its under heavy construction and will be filled upon request and/or urgency.

The following structure is proposed: After this section we introduce three sections for description, code documentation and how-tos. Each section has a paragraph for the basic information, which refers to sub-sections. For every sub topic we create a separate wiki page.

The TAPAS source code documentation is located here.

Technical description

TAPAS stands for Travel Analysis and PAttern Simulation. It's an agent based microscopic travel demand simulation. It generates full trip information consisting of:

  1. purpose
  2. start time
  3. origin location (point)
  4. estimated travel time
  5. destination location (point)
  6. destination type
  7. duration of the stay
  8. mode of transport (of course ;-) )
  9. cost of trip

There are several other attributes. For a complete list of currently stored attributes see the trip-table documentation (currently missing :-( ).

TAPAS generates this information for every simulated person within one household. Cars are treated as shared mobility options and cannot be used at the same time for different household members.
