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Tools for interacting with position data collected by Emlid software


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Lifecycle: experimental Codecov test coverage R-CMD-check CRAN status

The goal of reachr is to provide utilities for working with data produced by Emlid products, including the Reach RS2(+) GNSS receiver and Emlid Studio post-processing software.


This package is still in the 'experimental' stage and has not yet been submitted to CRAN. You can install the development version of reachr from GitHub with:

# install.packages(c("remotes"))

The package can be loaded with:


Core utilities

Load spatial data files

The read_emlid function provides a wrapper to import the various file formats for spatial data used by Emlid, returning an sf object. The function guessed the file format based on the file extension.

mypoints <- read_emlid("path/to/data/mypoints.shp")

Not all Emlid file exports include the coordinate reference system (CRS). read_emlid warns users when a file is imported without a known CRS and allows users to specify the CRS during import using standard formats: EPSG codes, WKT, or proj4string.

mypoints2 <- read_emlid("path/to/data/mypoints2.csv")  # imports with warning
mypoints2 <- read_emlid("path/to/data/mypoints2.csv", crs = 4326)  # sets CRS

Update RTK coordinate to new base position

For some RTK surveys, it is not possible to obtain a precise coordinate for the base position prior to collecting points with the rover. It is still possible to collect points using RTK relative to an estimated base position, then update the points to use the correct base position (e.g., after PPP post-processing). reachr automates the process of shifting the coordinates of rover-collected points to use an updated base position following a tutorial post on the Emlid Community Forum.

Miscellaneous utilities

  • ef_geom_check: checks that only point geometries are used in spatial data object, ensuring they can be imported into Emlid Flow
  • as_ef_geom: attempts to automatically coerce non-point geometries into (multi)point geometries that can be imported into Emlid Flow
  • check_rtk_range: checks that points are within LoRa antenna range for RTK surveying
  • llh_summary: summarizes the position and duration of .LLH log files

Planned features

Prepare .csv file for Emlid Flow import

Importing points from a .csv file into an Emlid Flow project requires following a strict column order and naming convention. (As of July 2023, this is incompletely documented in the import dialog.) reachr provides helper functions to convert sf objects into a correctly-formatted .csv file.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the reachr project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


Tools for interacting with position data collected by Emlid software




Code of conduct





No releases published
