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A python wrapper for OpenAI API module

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A collection of classes as a wrapper around OpenAI package.

I created this project to build other projects and learn more about OpenAI API.


  • Agent: A wrapper around OpenAI ChatCompletion API.
  • Ability: A class that defined the agent abilities also it is a wrapper around the tools feature in OpenAI API.
  • Message: My custom definition of ChatCompletion API messages.
  • MessagesContainer: To manage many Message objects.
  • magic: A decorator that creates an Agent alias for any function.
  • audio: A wrapper functions around OpenAI Whisper and TTS engine APIs.




Agent class takes:

  • instructions: str, required = The agent system instructions
  • model: str or AgentModelName, optional = The model name to use, defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106".
  • temperature: float, optional = The model temperature to use, defaults to 1.0 (0.0 - 2.0), for more details check the OpenAI API documentation.
  • name: str, optional = The name of the agent.
  • messages: MessagesContainer, optional = A container that holds a list of Message objects which represents the history of the conversation.

To set the OpenAI access token:

  • Set OPENAI_API_KEY in your environment.
  • Use the Agent staticmethod set_openai_key, to set the access token.
from agent import Agent

# OR set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY
from agent import Agent

# create agent with instructions, agent name is optional
agent = Agent("You are a helpful assistant.")

# add user input
agent << "How are you?"
# OR use a UserMessage, name is optional
agent << UserMessage("How are you?")

# stream output to a file
agent >> sys.stdout
# OR, stream file parameter is optional, it is stdout by default

# write response to a file
with open('file', 'w') as f:
   agent >> f
   # OR

# stream_to uses generate under the hood
# to manually stream response use the `generate` method
for chunk in agent.generate():
    print(chunk, end="", flush=True)


This class represents a message in the conversation.

Recommended to use the inherited predefined message roles:

  • UserMessage
  • AssistantMessage
  • SystemMessage
  • ToolMessage

Use the + operator to concatenate content with other messages or string.

from agent.message import UserMessage

msg = UserMessage("Hello") + ", World!"
msg.content  # "Hello, World!"

msg = UserMessage("Hello") + UserMessage(", World!")
msg.content  # "Hello, World!"

To work with many message objects, it is recommended to use MessagesContainer


This object is used to manage many Message objects. It also represents the chat history for an Agent.

It takes an optional list of Message objects.

from agent.message import MessagesContainer, UserMessage, AssistantMessage

container = MessagesContainer([UserMessage("Hello")])
container.add(UserMessage("How are you?"))
container << AssistantMessage("Hi")  # OR use the << operator to add messages
container << [AssistantMessage("Hello, World!")]

container[0].content  # "Hello"
container[-1].content  # "Hello, World!"

[m.content for m in container[0:2]]  # ["Hello", "How are you?"]


This object is used to define the abilities of an Agent. It is a wrapper around the tools feature in OpenAI API.

Ability takes:

  • func: AbilityFn, required = The ability logic which is a function that returns a string as ability response(output).
  • name: str, required = The ability name.
  • description: str, required = The ability description, it should describe what the ability does and why to use it.
  • arguments: AbilityArgument[], optional = A list of ability arguments.

AbilityArgument takes:

  • name: str, required = the ability argument name
  • type: str, required = the ability argument type, it should describe what the argument data type is: string, number, boolean, object, array, null.
  • description: str, required = the ability argument description, it should describe what the argument is.
  • is_required: bool, optional = if this ability argument is required, default is False.
  • values: str[], optional = a list of possible values, if you want to define an argument that takes a specific values (like enums).

The ability logic function

from os import getenv

def get_environment_variable(name: str) -> str:
    """Get an environment variable by its name."""
    value = os.getenv(name)

    if value is not None:
        return f"The value of the variable {name} is {value}"
        return f"The variable {name} is not set"

Let's define the ability:

from agent.ability import Ability, AbilityArgument

ability = Ability(
    description="Get an environment variable by its name.",
            description="The name of the environment variable.",

Also you could do it like this:

ability = Ability(
    description="Get an environment variable by its name.")

ability["name"] = AbilityArgument(
                    description="The name of the environment variable.",

To use Ability:

ability("EDITOR")  # nvim

To add an Ability to an Agent:

agent << ability
# OR
# OR
agent["get_environment_variable"] = ability

Magic Function

magic is a decorator that creates an Agent alias from instruction functions.

You can pass some arguments to the Agent object like:

  • model: AgentModelName, optional = gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
  • temperature: float, optional = 1.0
  • name: str, optional = None
from agent.magic import magic
from enum import Enum

class Gender(Enum):
    MALE = "male"
    FEMALE = "female"

def generate_name(max_length: int = 8, min_length: int = 4,
                  gender: Gender = Gender.MALE,
                  language: str = "English") -> str:
    """A name generator."""
    return f"""You are a name generator.
Generate a name of a {gender.value} that its characters length between \
{min_length} and {max_length} characters in {language} language."""

generate_name(language="French", gender=Gender.FEMALE)  # Aurélie


This module contains some wrapper functions around OpenAI Whisper and TTS engine APIs.

  • play_audio: Play an audio file.

    • path: str, required: The audio file path to play.
  • audio_to_text: Convert an audio file to text. Returns a string.

    • path: str, required: The audio file path to convert.
    • language: str, optional: The language of the audio file. Recommended to use ISO-639-1
    • prompt: str, optional: The prompt to use.
  • text_to_audio: Convert text to an audio file.

    • text: str, required: The text to convert.
    • path: str, required: The audio file path to save.
    • model: TTS_MODEL, optional: The TTS model to use. [tts-1, tts-1-hd]
    • voice: TTS_VOICE, optional: The TTS voice to use. [alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, shimmer]
    • format: FILE_FORMAT, optional: The format of the audio file. [mp3, opus, aac, flac]
    • speed: float, optional: The speed of the audio file. Value Range: [0.25, 4.0]

Generate speech from text:

from import play_audio, text_to_audio

text_to_audio("Hello, how are you?", "hello.mp3")



This example will show you how to use magic functions to create a storyteller.

Let's define some magic functions

from agent.magic import magic

def summarize_story_description(story: str) -> str:
    """Summarize a story description into lines of the most important points."""
    return f"""Your task is to summarize a story description into lines of \
the most important points and main events.

Summarize the following story description:


def write_core_stroy(summary: str) -> str:
    """Writes the core of the story from the main story points."""
    return f"""Write a story of detailed events that happened in the story.

    Write the story by following the next main points and events:


def write_story(core_story: str, language: str = "English",
                chapters: int = 5) -> str:
    """Writes a full story from the core story."""
    return f"""You are a novelist.

    The novel must follow the following rules:

    The novel must have a title.
    The novel must have {chapters} chapters with at least 800 words for each.
    The novel must have a genre.
    The novel characters must have names and details like age, gender,
    interests, etr...
    The novel must have a detailed events.
    The novel must have interesting conversations between characters.

    Write the novel in {language} language.

    Write a novel based on the following core story:


This is a story description generated by ChatGPT:

1. **Introduction:**
   - The story begins with a teenage girl named Emma who lives in a bustling city.
   - Emma is curious and often daydreams about a world beyond her urban surroundings.

2. **Discovery of a Mysterious Portal:**
   - While exploring an old bookstore, Emma stumbles upon an ancient book that mentions a hidden portal to a magical realm.
   - The book provides cryptic clues and a map leading to the portal's location.

3. **Journey into the Magical World:**
   - Intrigued, Emma embarks on a journey to find the portal, following the clues and the enchanted map.
   - She discovers a concealed entrance in a forgotten park that transports her into a world filled with mystical creatures and enchanting landscapes.

4. **Meeting Magical Beings:**
   - In the magical realm, Emma encounters talking animals, fairies, and wizards who guide her on her quest.
   - Each magical being imparts wisdom and unique abilities to help her navigate the challenges of this new world.

5. **Quest for a Lost Artifact:**
   - Emma learns that the magical realm is in danger, and she must retrieve a lost artifact to restore balance.
   - Her journey involves solving riddles, overcoming obstacles, and forming alliances with magical creatures.

6. **Friendship and Betrayal:**
   - Emma forms bonds with magical beings who become her friends and allies.
   - However, she also faces challenges and betrayal from unexpected quarters, adding a layer of complexity to her quest.

7. **Epic Showdown and Redemption:**
   - The climax involves an epic showdown where Emma must confront the antagonist threatening the magical world.
   - Through courage and newfound abilities, Emma overcomes challenges, leading to redemption and restoration of the realm.

8. **Return to the City:**
   - After saving the magical world, Emma returns to her city with a newfound appreciation for the ordinary.
   - The experiences in the magical realm shape her character and perspective, making her cherish the extraordinary in the everyday.

This is just a set of points to provide a framework for a potential story. Feel free to expand upon these ideas and develop the narrative further based on your preferences and creative direction.

Now let's use all of the above:

with open("story_description.txt", "r") as f:
    story_description =

summary = summarize_story_description(story_description)
core_story = write_core_stroy(summary)
story = write_story(core_story, chapters=10)

with open("novel.txt", "w") as f:


A python wrapper for OpenAI API module






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