🔭 I’m currently working on nothing
🌱 I’m currently learning various programming languages.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Projects
🤝 I’m looking for help with nothing yet
💬 Ask me about java.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🐱 My GitHub Data
🏆 58 Contributions in the Year 2022
📦 596.5 kB Used in GitHub's Storage
🚫 Not Opted to Hire
📜 48 Public Repositories
🔑 7 Private Repositories
I'm an Early 🐤
🌞 Morning 5 commits ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 11.9%
🌆 Daytime 27 commits ████████████████░░░░░░░░░ 64.29%
🌃 Evening 5 commits ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 11.9%
🌙 Night 5 commits ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 11.9%
📅 I'm Most Productive on Monday
Monday 10 commits ██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 23.81%
Tuesday 7 commits ████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 16.67%
Wednesday 5 commits ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 11.9%
Thursday 7 commits ████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 16.67%
Friday 1 commits ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 2.38%
Saturday 8 commits ████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 19.05%
Sunday 4 commits ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 9.52%
📊 This Week I Spent My Time On
⌚︎ Time Zone: Europe/Berlin
💬 Programming Languages:
No Activity Tracked This Week
🔥 Editors:
No Activity Tracked This Week
🐱💻 Projects:
No Activity Tracked This Week
💻 Operating System:
No Activity Tracked This Week
I Mostly Code in Java
Java 17 repos ██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 40.48%
JavaScript 6 repos ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 14.29%
C++ 4 repos ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 9.52%
TypeScript 4 repos ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 9.52%
HTML 3 repos █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 7.14%
Last Updated on 09/11/2022 20:43:12 UTC