A place to store my Python Projects.
Welcome to my Python Projects repository! This is a collection of various Python projects and algorithms that I've worked on. Feel free to explore and use any of the code provided here.
- Challenge: Specific tasks or problems that require solutions, often with constraints or limitations.
- Algorithm: Step-by-step procedures or rules for solving problems or performing tasks.
- Project: Encompasses various tasks across different areas, like algorithm design, challenge solving, and feature implementation.
- Tests: Tests involve evaluating the functionality and correctness of code or systems.
- LeetCode Problems: Challenges available on the LeetCode platform to practice and test programming skills
- Challenge1: divisible by seven but not a multiple of five ✅
- Reverse words ✅
- Calculate fib numbers ✅
- Square even numbers divisble by 8 ✅
- Error Types ✅
- Slice Notation ✅
- Haversine Formula ✅
- Roosevelt Madlibs ✅
- Guess the Number (Computer) ✅
- Guess the Number (User) ✅
- Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock ✅
- Hangman with Time Limit ✅
- ... (More projects are being added)
Fairy Tale Inspired Projects
Explore a whimsical world of Python projects inspired by classic fairy tales:
- Goldilocks ✅
- Aladdin's Flying Carpet (Coming soon)
- Beauty and the Beast (Coming soon)
- Cinderella's Clock (Coming soon)
- Hansel and Gretel (Coming soon)
- Jack and the Beanstalk (Coming soon)
- The Little Mermaid (Coming soon)
- Red Riding Hood (Coming soon)
- Rumpelstiltskin's Cipher (Coming soon)
- Snow White (Coming soon)
Explore various algorithms implemented in Python:
- Bubble Sort ✅
- Selection Sort ✅
- Binary Search ✅
- Binary Search for Strings ✅
- Merge Sort ✅
- Traveling Salesman Problem (Brute Force) ✅
- Breadth-First Search ✅
- Linear Search ✅
- Quick Sort ✅
- Sliding Window ✅
- Euclidean Algorithm ✅
- Brute Force Subset Sum (Coming soon)
- Depth-First Search (Coming soon)
- Insertion Sort (Coming soon)
- Knapsack Problem (Coming soon)
LeetCode Problems (Number order not solved order)
- 1_Two Sum ✅
- 121_Best Time To Buy And Sell Stocks ✅
- 283_Move Zeros ✅
- 345_Reverse Vowels ✅
- 374_Guess the Number ✅
- 643_Max Average Subarray ✅
- 1071_Greatest Common Divisor of Strings ✅
- 1431_Kids with greatest number of candies ✅
- 1732_Find Highest Altitude ✅
- 1768_merge strings alternatively ✅
- unit_test_sample.py ✅
- reverse_words_test.py ✅
- ... (More tests are being added)
Challenges from the following sites:
Projects from the following sites:
My 250 days of Code List: