This is a module to integrate swagger into Play Framework 2.5.x.
At the time of this writing, support for Play 2.5 was not available in the official swagger-play repository. This repository is a copy of the Play-2.5 folder in pikel's fork. It was created this way to make it easier to add as a git dependency.
WARNING: This repository will be discarded once support is added to the official swagger-play repo.
You can include this library as a dependency in your build.sbt file:
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayJava).dependsOn(swagger)
lazy val swagger = RootProject(uri("ssh://[email protected]/CreditCardsCom/swagger-play.git"))
cd swagger-play
sbt publishLocal
This will add the library to your local ivy repo. You can then add a maven-style dependency to your build file:
"io.swagger" %% "swagger-play2" % "1.5.2-SNAPSHOT"