All endpoints are prefixed with /api
The get request will return all the pending requests in the database. Offerable is null if auth headers are not included, and false if the request is created by, or has an offer from, current user. True otherwise. If params: { coordinates: { lat: 1.4, long: 4.2 } } are included and geovalid, the distance from request coordinates is served as a float in km, otherwise distance: nil. The format is, in descending order by id, meaning newest first:
requests: [
id: 1,
title: "Title",
description: "Lots of text",
requester: "[email protected]",
category: "home",
reward: 100,
offerable: true,
distance: 1.2
id: 2,
title: "Titly",
description: "Lots of texts",
requester: "[email protected]",
category: "it",
reward: 120
offerable: false
distance: 3.1
"request": {
"id": 1597,
"title": "I need help with this",
"description": "This is what I need help with",
"reward": 100,
"offers": [
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "pending"
"conversation: {
"messages": [
"content": "asd",
"me": true
"id": 2,
"email": "[email protected]"
"status": "declined"
"conversation": {...}
Targeting a request that you're not the owner of, renders 422 and error message:
{ "message": "This is not your reQuest" }
To create a new request you need to include authentication headers. You also need to provide :title=String and :description=String, and may provide category. Valid categories are "other", "education", "home", "it", "sport", "vehicles". Other is default if none is provided. You need to provide the parameter coords: { long: 55.3, lat, 33.1 }. Both are floats. Long is valid between -180 and +180, lat is valid between -90 and +90. The response will be a 200 with a message and the id of the created resource.
{ message: 'Your reQuest was successfully created!', id: <resource_id>, karma_points: <users karma_points> }
If auth is missing, devise will throw the following with 401:
{"errors": ["You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."]}
If a param, e.g. description and reward is missing, or reward is negative or not a number, you will get 422:
{ message: 'Description can't be blank and Reward can't be blank' }
If a non-valid category is supplied you will get 422:
{ message: "'non-valid-category' is not a valid category" }
If a non-permitted param is sent, you will get 422:
{ message: 'found unpermitted parameter: :body' }
If reQuester dont have enough karma points: { message: You dont have enough karma points }
All devise endpoints are available at /auth. Read more here.
Headers as parameter needed for getting the request list of a specific user
"id": 289,
"title": "I need help",
"reward": 100,
"status": "pending"
"id": 288,
"title": "I need help with this",
"reward": 100,
"status": "active"
"id": 287,
"title": "I need help with this",
"reward": 100,
"status": "completed"
{ "message": "There are no reQuests to show" }
The get request will return the amount of karma points the user has stored. if 200: { karma_points: 100 } No error path!
Auth headers are required. Param :request_id as integer required. Param :message as string optional. If ok, response is 200:
{ message: 'Your offer has been sent!' }
Some other errors can happen as well, unauthorized 401 if headers are missing:
{ "errors": ["You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."] }
Or 422 if you try a forbidden action or have bad params:
{ message: 'You cannot offer help on your own request!' }
{ message: 'Helper_id is already registered with this request' }
{ message: "Couldn't find Request with 'id'=blob" }
Auth headers are required. Param :activity that can be declined or accepted as string.
{ offer:, message: 'You accepted/declined help from [email protected]' }
if other activity response status 500 with message:
{ error_message: 'The activty is not valid' }
Auth headers are required. Offer :id in endpoint.
offer: {
id: 4,
message: "I want to help you",
helper_id: 2,
request_id: 3,
status: "pending", (OR "declined", OR "accepted",)
status_message: "Your offer is pending" (OR "Your offer has been accepted" OR "Your offer has been declined")
Headers as parameter needed for getting the quest list of a specific user
{ "quests": [
"id": 289,
"title": "I need help",
"description": "This is the thing I need help with",
"reward": 100,
"status": "pending",
"requester": "[email protected]"
"id": 288,
"title": "I need help with this",
"description": "Could anyone help me?",
"reward": 100,
"status": "active",
"requester": "[email protected]"
"id": 287,
"title": "I need help with this",
"description": "This thing here",
"reward": 100,
"status": "completed",
"requester": "[email protected]"
{"message": "There are no quests to show"}
Returns a request where the user has a non-declined offer. Errors are same as show request errors, except "This is not your Quest" one. Good response is 200:
"id": 169,
"title": "I need help with this",
"description": "This is what I need help with",
"email": "[email protected]",
"reward": 100,
"status": "pending",
"offer": {
"id": 151,
"conversation": {
"messages": [
"content": "Hi, I can help",
"me": true
Takes auth headers and params: :offer_id, :content="String". Responds with 201 header, no body if ok. If no headers you get devise auth error. If you are not requester or helper, you get 422 { message: "You are not authorized" } If :content is missing you get 422 { message: "Content can't be blank" } If :offer_id is not excluded you get 422 { message: "Some error message" }