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*.3dst Texture File

Phinehas Beresford edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 2 revisions


  • Documentation for Minecraft 3DS's .3DST Skin Texture Format.
  • Information provided in this Documentation can be used in Applications to Read/Write Data.

Before Continuing...

  • Make sure your .3DST Skins you want to edit follow the "Notice" section.

Header Information:

- Header Size        = Bytes 0x00 -> 0x20
- Texture Name       = Bytes 0x00 -> 0x04
- Texture Mode       = Byte 0x05
- Texture Width      = Byte 0x0C
- Texture Height     = Byte 0x10
- Width Checksum     = Byte 0x14
- Height Checksum    = Byte 0x18
- Image Format       = ARGB
- MIP Value          = Byte 0x1C


- Pixel With Color        = 0xFF (Followed by Bytes in a RGB Format)
- Pixel With No Color     = 0x00 (Followed by 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)

Pixels are Arranged Into Cubes, then into Blocks.
And are either full opaige or fully off (no in-between).

> Examples:                 A  R  G  B  - Values
- Pixel With Color        = FF 04 C4 F5
                            ^ Indicator (Alpha Value)

                            A  R  G  B  - Values
- Pixel With No Color     = 00 04 C4 F5
                            ^ Indicator (Alpha Value)

Cubes/Blocks (Image Comprehension):

- Cubes              = A group of Pixels in a 2x2 grid (Every 0x10 Bytes).
- Blocks             = A collection of cubes in a 4x4 grid (Every 0xFF Bytes).

Blocks go from Left to Right (A total of 8 times).

How Lines Work:

0x20                    # The start of Line #1
0x28 (0x20 + 0x8)       # The start of Line #2
0x40 (0x28 + 0x18)      # The start of Line #3
0x48 (0x40 + 0x8)       # The start of Line #4
0xA0 (0x48 + 0x58)      # The start of Line #5
0xA8 (0xA0 + 0x8)       # The start of Line #6
0xC0 (0xA8 + 0x18)      # The start of Line #7
0xC8 (0xC0 + 0x8)       # The start of Line #8

- It seems like the pattern alternates between adding 0x8 and 0x18 to the previous value.
- Remember that each pixel is 4 bytes of information.
- And 2x2 pixels is a cube, so with that logic we can determine each new Line.

1. Add 0x08, New Line
2. Add 0x18, New Line
3. Repeat for another line

So, starting from the header offset of 0x20 and following this pattern:
0x20, 0x28, 0x40, 0x48, 0xA0, 0xA8, 0xC0, 0xC8.

To find the 'Block' Lines Easily, the following patter is used.
- Add the following to find new pixels for that line.
    - 0x10
    - 0x40
    - 0x50
        - This shows the final 6 pixels needed to finish the lines of the Block.
        - We can use this to calculate and convert this into a bytearray of lines, that then can be used to create a .png Image.


  • This Guide only goes over ARGB Textures.
  • ARGB Skins in *.3DST Format are ALWAYS have a fixed length of 0x4020 Bytes.