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Releases: Coveros-GitHub-Sandbox/selenified

Selenified 3.3.0

01 Jan 14:09
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  • Expanded the API checks both verify and assert. Nested Json and data can now be easily examined. Note this is a breaking change
  • Changed screenshots in HTML reports to be embedded Base 64 image. This allows moving and sending of these files without damaging screenshots (broken image links)
  • Direct access to Reporter object added into Call object

Bug Fixes:

  • When running tests in parallel, the name property wasn't getting properly set for individual tests. This is now resolved
  • Excessive selenium logging no longer written out to console
  • Failures on reflection for PATCH calls is caught, allowing Selenified to run on Java 12
  • Unit tests now run successfully on Windows 10

Selenified 3.2.1

04 Oct 17:42
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  • Updated test case name in custom reports to include parameters if any are provided
  • Added in capability to make Patch method calls in web services
  • Added customized reporting for LambdaTest, so that Lambda shows pass/fail status from test results
  • Additional Selenium logs are captured by default if system supports them
    • browser, client, driver, performance, server, profiler
  • Selenified properties file can now be used from relative resource path
  • Switch over to using Sauce java libraries
  • Added default build property to desiredCapabilities to allow proper grouping
  • Can now natively use Point, Dimension, Rectangle within Selenified
  • Additional details of failures are present in custom Selenified reports
  • new getName functionality added for elements
  • Full browser information is now displayed on custom Selenified reports

Bug Fixes:

  • Tests marked to skip, are now actually fully skipped - previously browser was opening, then skipping

Selenified 3.2.0

01 Jul 13:14
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NOTE: This release contains breaking changes. Following SemVer, the minor version was bumped, to indicate such.

  • The reporting methodology was simplified, to allow simple custom reporting of pass, check, and fail. This involved renaming of some classes and methods. NOTE: this is a breaking change, and code written to directly call the detailed reporter will need to be updated.
  • Command line arguments can now be provided in a properties file. Instead of needing to specify browser, or other commands on each run, they can be set once in a properties file, and overridden if needed from command line args.
  • Cleaned up proxy setup, to simplify execution
  • API Asserts method has changed. There now exists two different checking types implemented: verify and assert. Verify performs a check, and on failure, logs the error and keeps moving forward with the test (what the old assert did). Assert performs a check, and on failure, immediately quits the test. NOTE: this is a breaking change, and code using these methods will need to be updated.
  • Added additional logging information to API calls, including header and payload data
  • Moved defaultWait and defaultPoll from being hard coded to being configurable in the new properties file
  • Internal waiting mechanisms transformed from custom loops to fluent waits, using better polling methodologies
  • New custom reporter was added, to replace the old TestNG reporter. Simplified, unified test results
  • Some terminology was realigned relating to the URL under test. All testSite instances were replaced with appUrl for consistent naming. NOTE: this is a breaking change, and code using these methods will need to be updated.

Bug Fixes:

  • API calls updated to properly handle form-data content-types

Selenified 3.1.0

11 Mar 15:23
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NOTE: This release contains breaking changes. Following SemVer, the minor version was bumped, to indicate such.

  • Additional check for verifying how many elements match the provided locator
  • Added additional information into detailed report for logging element information. Now all parent locator information is logged as well
  • Now PDF reports will be generated when indicated, to provide simpler sharable reports
  • A new check type was implemented, mirroring equals, called match. Instead of looking for exact value, regex expressions should be passed in for checking element
  • Fixed issue with override capabilities. Previously wasn't working properly, now is. Now implemented at the class level, instead of the previous entire Suite level
  • Default capabilities were updated on a per browser basis, to better align with common compatibility requirement, and use within cloud tooling
  • Warning and Skip test step outcomes were removed, replaced by the common CHECK result. NOTE: this is a breaking change, and code written to directly call the detailed reporter will need to be updated.
  • A custom acceptCertificate method was written to handle certificate incompatibility issues for IE and Edge
  • All location methods were renamed to url to match and provide common pattern for access the current browser URL
  • New focus method was added to allow a test to focus on an element without clicking on it (similar to tabbing over to the element)
  • New is editable method added. Essentially, Is the method an input and enabled
  • get() table methods now return Elements instead of WebElements or a list of WebElements. As part of this, the numbering schema also changed, now referencing first column and row should be with 0. NOTE: this is a breaking change, and code using these methods will need to be updated.
  • Asserts method has changed. There now exists three different checking types implemented: verify, assert, waitFor. Verify performs a check, and on failure, logs the error and keeps moving forward with the test (what the old assert did). Assert performs a check, and on failure, immediately quits the test. WaitFor performs a check, and waits for the expected result. If it doesn't occur, logs the error and keeps moving forward with the test (what the old waitFor did). NOTE: this is a breaking change, and code using these methods will need to be updated.
    • As a result of this, multiple additional waitFor methods were added, which align with the assert and verify methods

Selenified 3.0.4

04 Feb 16:52
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  • Addition of CONTRIBUTING file
  • Support for looping through same browser
  • Added ability to skip a test based on the browser selected
  • Cleaned up the logging, to be more accurate based on failues
  • Updating blur functionality for latest chrome edition
  • Updated README with correct gradle and ant instructions

Read more here

Selenified 3.0.3

03 Oct 19:00
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  • Added wait for title functionality
  • Refactored API calls for improved speed and accuracy
  • Allowing upload of files for API calls using multipart data
  • Added additional asserts for API JSON responses
  • Quick fixes and code cleanup

Selenified 3.0.2

04 Jul 02:16
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  • Converted wait statements to use implicit waits
  • Added ability to specify screen-size via cmd
  • Added ability to set multiple browser options via cmd
  • Improved parent/child relationship defined for Element object
  • New 'draw' method added for Element objects
  • Added new screenshot capabilities for Element objects
  • Additional checks for enabled/notEnabled added for Element objects
  • SauceLabs results now automatically updated on test completion
  • Setup instructions updated

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Selenified 3.0.1

08 Apr 00:49
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  • Selenium version upgraded to 3.8.0
  • Added support for adding custom headers in API calls
  • Removed dependency on TestNG xml files
  • Taking screenshots while alerts were present is now gracefully handled
  • Fixed typos in README
  • Cleaned up logging
  • Added support for PhantomJS
  • Added Jenkins file to support multi-branch testing
  • Cleaned up POM with versioning
  • Locked down permissions on internal Selenified methods
  • Cleaned up duplicate code
  • Updated window/tab/frame functionality
  • Added is/waitFor location methods
  • Fixed NPEs for checking attributes and classes
  • Added findChild method for Elements
  • Fixed capitalization and punctuation in logging
  • Added ability to retrieve programmatically determined xpath for Elements
  • Added ability to run tests using Firefox and Chrome headlessly

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Selenified 3.0.0

18 Aug 15:48
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  • Selenified actions now object oriented
  • Selenified commands split into assist sub classes
  • Actions aligned along application and elements
  • Asserts aligned along application and elements
  • Web Services actions now object oriented, and data validation aligned along response
  • POM setup optimized
  • POM example included
  • URLs now threadsafe for testing multiple sites in same suite

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Selenified 2.0.2

08 Aug 20:43
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  • Services Added back in with examples
  • Additional Readme updates
  • Tests results are now packaged