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Zwetan Kjukov edited this page Jan 30, 2016 · 15 revisions

Redtamarin Packaging

First, consider all this as a work in progress, as long as our major version is zero it could change anytime.

Here we try to define rules and policy on how to package Redtamarin, but also command-line tools, shell scripts, ActionScript 3.0 libraries etc.


It's basically about distribution, installation, and organisation.

Stuff like: Where to put things, How to name things, How to do it in a cross-platform way, etc.

Here few scenarios.

Installing Redtamarin

  • know which version is installed
  • in which path to install it
  • how to access it on the command-line ?
  • what do we install exactly ?
    • only the redshell for the current system?
    • the redbean and other tools ?
    • common ABC libraries ?
    • what about the documentation ? only man? html?
    • how to upgrade from version x.y to x.y+1 ?
    • can we have different versions in parallel ?
    • what about if a library depend on a specific version ?

Installing Redtamarin Libraries

  • where to install and share them ?
  • can we have private libraries ?
  • can we install different versions of the same library ?
    ex: appA using httplib-1.0 and appB using httplib-1.1

and many many more questions like that ...

To solve all those problems, we will study what other programming languages have been doing for many years.

Even if we study: Perl, PHP, Python, Java, Node.js, Erlang, etc., we are not exactly like them, so we need to learn and find our own way.

We can learn a lot by studying Linux FHS and Debian Packaging Policies

We can learn a bit more from great projects like


For now, we will follow the Debian packaging format to install and distribute

  • Redtamarin for Windows
  • Redtamarin for Mac OS X
  • Redtamarin for Linux


  • Windows sucks at command-line installation/distribution
    but it is not too hard to make it compatible with a sane POSIX environment
    see Redtamarin Windows Environment Setup
  • Mac OS X inherits a POSIX environment from its BSD origin
    the native way to install command-lines tools is to build a .pkg
    which is very similar to build a .deb
  • Linux has a POSIX environment by default
    .deb will works by default on Debian and Ubuntu
  • we need a way to package our different executables, config, documentation, etc.
    the .deb format is convenient and practical for that
    it's close to a zip file but with the added advantage to use "control" files
  • even if we had our own package management tool
    we would still need a way to install Redtamarin first

Redtamarin Packages

Here the list of different executables and utilities we need to install

  • redshell
    the Redtamarin Release Shell
  • redshell_d
    the Redtamarin Debug Shell
  • redshell_dd
    the Redtamarin Debugger Shell
  • we can also refer to the shells as
    "The Redtamarin Runtimes" when we talk
    about: redshell, redshell_d, and redshell_dd
  • redbean
    the Redtamarin build tool
  • asc.jar / asc2.jar
    ActionScript Compiler
  • as3run
    bash script to run an .as file with binfmt_misc
  • abcrun
    bash script to run an .abc file with binfmt_misc
  • swfrun
    bash script to run a .swf file with binfmt_misc

Optional tools:

  • as3shebang
    the ActionScript 3.0 Interpreter
  • other tools based on redtamarin

Because we depend on a POSIX system and want to distrib Debian packages we will follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

Our basic organisation should be

  • executables in /usr/bin/
    for ex: /usr/bin/redtamarin
  • libraries in /usr/lib/redtamarin/
    for ex: /usr/lib/redtamarin/lib
  • command-line tools manual in /usr/share/man/man1/
    for ex: /usr/share/man/man1/redtamarin.1.gz
  • documentation files in /usr/share/doc/
    for ex: /usr/share/doc/redtamarin/

/usr/lib/redtamarin should contain all our files and if we need to deal with different redtamarin version we can simply manage them with symlink

redtamarin -> redtamarin-0.4.5

File Structure

structure of /usr/lib/redtamarin

               |_ bin                <-- contains only executables considered part of redtamarin
               |    |_ redtamarin    <-- our main executable
               |    |_ redshell      <-- our release runtime
               |    |_ redshell_d    <-- our debug runtime
               |    |_ redshell_dd   <-- our debug-debugger runtime
               |    |_ redbean       <-- our build tool
               |_ support            <-- to add any external executables/modules/libraries
               |    |_ asc.jar           "external" as not part of redtamarin
               |    |_ asc2.jar
               |_ lib                <-- to add ABC/SWC public libraries (non-executable)
               |    |_
               |    |_ redtamarin.swc
               |    |_ redtamarin.txt
               |_ run                <-- to add any ABC/SWC/Shell Scripts (executable)
               |    |_
               |_ runtimes           <-- to add runtimes by NAME/PLATFORM/BITS/exec_name
                    |_ redshell
                          |_ windows
                          |      |_ 32
                          |      |   |_ redshell.exe
                          |      |   |_ redshell_d.exe
                          |      |   |_ redshell_dd.exe
                          |      |
                          |      |_ 64
                          |          |_ redshell.exe
                          |          |_ redshell_d.exe
                          |          |_ redshell_dd.exe
                          |_ macintosh
                          |      |_ 32
                          |      |   |_ redshell
                          |      |   |_ redshell_d
                          |      |   |_ redshell_dd
                          |      |
                          |      |_ 64
                          |          |_ redshell
                          |          |_ redshell_d
                          |          |_ redshell_dd
                          |_ linux
                                 |_ 32
                                 |   |_ redshell
                                 |   |_ redshell_d
                                 |   |_ redshell_dd
                                 |_ 64
                                     |_ redshell
                                     |_ redshell_d
                                     |_ redshell_dd

should contains all the redtamarin executables for the current operating system

ex: if you are on a Linux 64-bit
and so have installed redtamarin_0.4.1_amd64.deb
then you should have installed by default al the redshell for Linux 64-bit

Every Redtamarin binary executables installed in /usr/bin
should be a symlink from /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin

/usr/bin/redshell -> /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/redshell

But small shell scripts like abcrun should be directly
installed in /usr/bin
eg. /usr/bin/abcrun


/usr/bin/redshell "${ABCNAME}" -- $@

should contain all public non-executable library accessible to any programs
by default it will contain

    required to compile programs to .abc
    utility library
  • other ?
    other libraries could be included by default

the following are different things

  • /usr/lib/redtamarin/lib/
    is a non-executable pre-compiled library
    running $ ./redshell_dd will do nothing
  • /usr/lib/redtamarin/run/
    is a pre-compiled library that can be executed
    running $ ./redshell_dd -- -f test.as3 is the equivalent of
    running $ ./redtamarin --debugger -f test.as3 is the equivalent of
    running $ ./redbean -f test.as3
  • /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/redbean
    is a projector that combines redshell_dd and
    into a standalone executable

should contain all public executable library
by default it will contain

  • other?

A library that can be executed is like a shell script
the only difference is that it is a binary blob, not plain text.

The binary is executable but does not contain the Redtamarin runtime.

The binary can be either an .abc or a .swf file.

You need to use either one of the redshell or the redtamarin utility
$ redshell
$ redtamarin
$ redshell myprogram.swf
$ redtamarin myprogram.swf

Under Linux, thanks to binfmt_misc, you can directly run those
ex: $, $ myprogram.swf

At the time of packaging, all public library should be
prefixed by as3- (this could change)
format: as3-<library-name>

Let's say you have a library named httplib
you will package it as as3-httplib_1.0_all.deb

  • prefix as3-
    we picked up as3- because it reflect
    better the different kind of libraries we can package
    AS3 compiled to ABC, but can also contains a .swc
    or even AS3 sources to be compiled
  • the name of the library
    should be unique and we should have some kind
    of registry or repository somewhere
  • the version of the library
    basic semantic version with patch optional
  • all to indicate it will works
    on all architectures

The fact that the name of the library end with lib
is purely optional and only a convention we plan to
adopt for our own libraries.

In /usr/lib/redtamarin/lib/ will not do versioning

  • one library
    for ex: httplib
  • install at least one .abc file
  • can install also one .swc file
    ex: httplib.swc
  • can install one version .txt file
    ex: httplib.txt will contain 1.0

The version .txt file can also be generated by redbean
for ex: $ redbean version
will read, obtain its version
and produce the text file httplib.txt
in the same path as the .abc lib

Public libraries can be loaded from different places

  • load( "" )
  • first, will look in the current directory
  • second, will look in all the paths defined
    by the environment variable REDTAMARIN_PATH
    for ex: export REDTAMARIN_PATH=/home/zwetan/abclibs/:/usr/share/redtamarin/experimental/
  • third and finally, will look in

When it comes to executable libraries we treat them differently
than non-executable libraries

  • the name should not be prefixed by as3-
  • but the arch should be all
  • also the library could auto-generate
    a standalone executable

Here 2 examples:

Distribute the redbean projector

  • package as redbean_1.0_amd64.deb
  • can only be installed for 1 operating system
  • install in /usr/share/<package-name>/
    but here redbean is an exception
    as it is distributed with redtamarin package
    so we install it in /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/
  • will create symlink to the executable
    in /usr/bin

Distribute the executable library

  • package as redbean_1.0_all.deb
  • can be installed for all operating systems
    supported by redtamarin
  • install in /usr/lib/redtamarin/run/
  • will create a bash script in /usr/bin
    for ex: /usr/bin/redbean
/usr/bin/redshell "/usr/lib/redtamarin/run/" -- $@


/usr/bin/redshell_dd "/usr/lib/redtamarin/run/" -- $@


/usr/bin/redtamarin "/usr/lib/redtamarin/run/" $@



Redtamarin can have different type of documentations

  • for command-line tools
    • the classic man page
    • but also HTML
  • for the Redtamarin API
    shared by redtamarin, redshell, redbean, as3shebang, etc.
  • misc. files related to
    changelog, release, copyright, license, etc.

Each command line tools will have a man page

  • for redtamarin
    see /usr/share/man/man1/redtamarin.1.gz
  • for redbean
    see /usr/share/man/man1/redbean.1.gz
  • for as3shebang
    see /usr/share/man/man1/as3shebang.1.gz
  • etc.

The Redtamarin API HTML documentation will be shared here

By extension any other tools or libraries generating HTML doc from asdoc should also use the api directory
for ex: /usr/share/doc/redbean/api/, /usr/share/doc/as3-httplib/api/, etc.

Other tools and/or libraries HTML documentation will follow the following

This is to document the tool itself, for example: usages, examples, etc.

for example:

  • redbean HTML documentation
    see /usr/share/doc/redbean/html/ how to use the redbean tool
    see /usr/share/doc/redbean/api/ HTML doc generated by asdoc
  • as3shebang HTML documentation
    see /usr/share/doc/as3shebang/html/ how to use the tool to create AS3 shell scripts and other usages
    but no /usr/share/doc/as3shebang/api/ as there is no HTML generated by asdoc
  • as3-httplib HTML documentation
    see /usr/share/doc/as3-httplib/html/ description and usage of what you can do with the library
    see /usr/share/doc/as3-httplib/api/ for the HTML doc generated by asdoc
  • etc.

With a special case for redtamarin

  • /usr/share/doc/redtamarin/api/
    the Redtamarin API HTML documentation
  • /usr/share/doc/redtamarin/html/
    the Redtamarin command-line tool HTML documentation

For misc. files like changelog, readme, release notes, etc.
we will use the following /usr/share/doc/$NAME/

Here some file structures to show how it would look like


                   |_ api
                   |    |_ index.html (asdoc)
                   |    |_ ...
                   |_ html
                   |     |_ redtamarin.html (usage, example, etc.)
                   |     |_ ...
                   |_ README
                   |_ CHANGELOG
                   |_ RELEASE
                   |_ etc.

As a general manner

  • we will use asdoc to generated HTML documentation
    for AS3 API, libraries, etc.
  • we will use markdown and pandoc to generate HTML documentation
    for description, usage, examples, etc.
  • other files like readme, changelog, release, etc.
    will use the markdown notation

Package Naming for Distribution

We have numerous elements in different places: executables, documentation, libraries, etc.

Here what goes into which package and with which name.

redtamarin_x.y.z_arch.deb should contain only

  • the redtamarin executable
  • the redtamarin.1 man
  • if it can not found the redshell executables
    will show an error
  • the
  • the redtamarin.swc

redtamarin-doc_x.y.z_arch.deb should contain only

  • the generated HTML documentation from asdoc
  • HAVE TO have the same version as the redtamarin package

about redshell packages:

  • the arch is always all
    because here it represent "which system can install it"
    not "which system can execute it"
  • because we use those redshells only to package projectors
    we can distribute on all systems, and so
    distribute the same packaged .deb
  • the redshells being installed in /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin
    should be a copy or symlink from /usr/lib/redtamarin/runtimes/redshell/linux/64
    which "linux" and "64" detected at install time

redshell-windows_x.y.z_all.deb should contain only

  • Windows executables
  • both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • HAVE TO have the same version as the redtamarin package
  • the arch is always all

redshell-macintosh_x.y.z_all.deb should contain only

  • Mac OS X executables
  • both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • HAVE TO have the same version as the redtamarin package
  • the arch is always all

redshell-linux_x.y.z_all.deb should contain only

  • Linux executables
  • both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • HAVE TO have the same version as the redtamarin package
  • the arch is always all

redbean_x.y.z_arch.deb should contain only

  • the redbean executable
  • the redbean.1 man
  • if it can not found some path or env vars
    will show an error
  • the in /usr/lib/redtamarin/run
  • the in /usr/lib/redtamarin/lib
  • the redbeanlib.swc in /usr/lib/redtamarin/lib
  • SHOULD contain asc.jar and asc2.jar
    and install them in /usr/lib/redtamarin/support

redbean-doc_x.y.z_arch.deb should contain only

  • the generated HTML documentation from asdoc
  • HAVE TO have the same version as the redbean package

redtamarin-sdk_x.y.z_arch.deb contains all of the above

  • basically the main reason we name it a SDK
    we need numerous runtimes, libraries, build tool, compilers tool, etc.
    all that is complex
  • as long as we are in major version 0
    to keep things simpler we should only
    install 1 package that contains all those
    different packages
  • the main problem with that is the size of the package
    which is acceptable for a "SDK"
  • force us to have a post-install script as
cp /usr/lib/redtamarin/runtimes/redshell/linux/64/redshell_dd /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/


$PLATFORM # detect platform
$BITS     # detect 32 or 64 bits 
cp /usr/lib/redtamarin/runtimes/redshell/$PLATFORM/$BITS/redshell_dd /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/



# detect platform
if [ $UNAME == "Darwin" ]; then
elif [ $UNAME == "Linux" ]; then
elif [ "$(uname -o)" == "Cygwin" ]; then

# default is 32-bit, detect 64-bit
if [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]; then

# copy the 3 redshells to bin
cp /usr/lib/redtamarin/runtimes/redshell/$PLATFORM/$BITS/redshell    /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/
cp /usr/lib/redtamarin/runtimes/redshell/$PLATFORM/$BITS/redshell_d  /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/
cp /usr/lib/redtamarin/runtimes/redshell/$PLATFORM/$BITS/redshell_dd /usr/lib/redtamarin/bin/


From now on, since v0.4.1 we will distribute
"The Redtamarin Software Development Kit"
redtamarin-sdk_x.y.z_arch.deb which contains

  • "The Redtamarin command-line utility"
  • "The Redtamarin HTML Documentation"
  • "The Redtamarin Runtimes for Windows"
  • "The Redtamarin Runtimes for Mac OS X"
  • "The Redtamarin Runtimes for Linux"
  • "The Redtamarin Build Tool"
  • "The Redtamarin Build Tool HTML Documentation"


  • Windows installation depends on
    see Redtamarin Windows Environment Setup
  • "The ActionScript 3.0 Interpreter"
    is a separate and independent package on purpose

Native Packaging

In the future, we should be able to distribute also

  • redtamarin-sdk_x.y.z_arch.pkg
    native package installer for Mac OS X
  • redtamarin-sdk_x.y.z_arch.msi
    native package installer for Windows
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