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🚨 Breaking Change
🚨 Breaking Change
This introduces a breaking change to atjson.
🐞 Bug
🐞 Bug
This is identified as a bug or is fixing a bug
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📖 Documentation
📖 Documentation
⚗️ Experiment
⚗️ Experiment
🎉 Feature
🎉 Feature
A new feature or request
🐣 Good First Issue
🐣 Good First Issue
This is a good issue for first-time contributors
🏭 In Progress
🏭 In Progress
This pull request is in progress~ be patient while it gets done
⏱ Performance
⏱ Performance
🥚 Pre-Release
🥚 Pre-Release
Pull Requests tagged with this will be pre-released as commits are added to the branch (TBD)
📦 Release
📦 Release
Pull Requests tagged with this will be automatically released when merged to latest (TBD)