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Generated ZIP file reuse feature design

Alejandro González edited this page Jun 25, 2023 · 18 revisions

Warning 🔧 This wiki article contains design specifications intended for a technical audience 🔧

If you are just an end user, please consider that you probably are better off reading other documentation that uses simpler terms unless you really want to read the nitty-gritty details or are looking for some very specific fact about the topic.

Moreover, for PackSquash versioning, the details contained in this document are not considered a public contract in any way. They could change in any version in a breaking way without any notice.

Table of contents

Introduction and software requirements

PackSquash v0.3.0 introduced a feature called append mode, previously generated ZIP file reuse or caching, which allows it to detect what files were changed since the last time it was executed on a pack with high accuracy under most circumstances. When this feature is used, and a likely unchanged file is detected, all processing is skipped for that pack file, so it is just added and copied to the new version of the output ZIP file. This is much faster than processing it again.

Obviously, for a feature like this to work, it is necessary to store data somewhere to track the file changes in a way that can be efficiently read back and compared with later. So, in addition to the functional requirement stated above, the feature must satisfy the following non-functional requirements:

  • It must be at least more time-efficient than processing the pack file again; otherwise, the feature would be useless.
  • It must be privacy-first and storage-efficient, saving the lesser amount of data needed for the feature to work. The data must not be readable by any third party under reasonable threat models.
  • It must not reduce PackSquash portability, require extra installation steps, or store files in some hardcoded, system, or user-dependent data store that may make it harder to do reproducible runs or support use cases involving running PackSquash by different users, operating systems, or machines. In other words, it must be as stateless as possible for the end-user.
  • It must be a reasonably simple design, as simple to maintain and reason about as possible.
  • Lastly, it must be as user-friendly as reasonably possible, considering the previous requirements. It is acceptable to exchange some user-friendliness if that demonstrably helps to fulfill any of the previous requirements, but it is not acceptable to overdo this point.

Design overview

The design of the current PackSquash implementation for this feature revolves around the following key functional blocks and concepts:

  • System identifiers.
  • Application salt.
  • Filesystem-provided file modification timestamps.
  • Squash Times.
  • Format-preserving encryption (FPE), also known as sanitization in some technical literature.

The following flowchart shows how these items relate to each other in a high-level overview of the pack file processing algorithm, focusing on the aspects relevant to the feature at hand.

Flowchart for the pack file processing algorithm

This design satisfies the requirements stated above for the following reasons:

  • It is trivial to conclude that it allows skipping processing unchanged files.
  • Getting the file modification time from the filesystem is an operation that can be done very quickly in most filesystems. This operation might be slower in distributed filesystems, but so might be every operation with them in general. It also can be done efficiently because file metadata is already retrieved to iterate through the pack directory, so checking the modification time field only adds a marginal time cost. Timestamps are also quick to compare and compute, unlike hashes, which require looking at the file contents.
  • Modification timestamps are the bare minimum amount of data needed to check whether a file has plausibly changed or not. Also, we believe in good faith, albeit without formal proof or review by a recognized cryptography expert, that the designed cryptosystem is effective to maintain timestamp and system ID confidentiality under ciphertext-only attacks and chosen-plaintext attacks. This claim is at least plausible due to the guarantees provided by the cryptographic primitives used, which are discussed in NIST Special Publication 800-38G § Appendix B.
  • The timestamps are stored in the generated ZIP file using standard fields reserved for this purpose in the ZIP file records, so no additional data stores are required. Transferring the generated ZIP file also transfers the timestamps.
  • The design is based on standard cryptographic primitives and simple timestamp comparisons, which are easy to maintain.
  • Because the metadata is kept within the ZIP file, there is little room for user error, providing that the user is aware that some environment changes may render that metadata unable to be read back properly or obsolete. These changes are documented in the options files wiki article. Moreover, this design can work automagically in the most common use cases without any configuration.

Description of key design elements

The following sections present the information about key design elements needed for a thorough understanding of the design.

System identifiers

System identifiers are unsigned 128-bit integers that are guaranteed to be more repeatable across PackSquash executions than a randomly generated number, fairly unpredictable, and unique. In practice, the way to get a 128-bit integer that is somewhat unique, unpredictable, and repeatable is to query the computer for specific hardware or software data that is expected to be long-lived, so that is why the system identifiers are named as such. The reader may be more familiar with other terms that refer to a similar (albeit not identical) concept, like HWID, hardware ID, or machine ID.

The definition above is so generic because the ways to get a system identifier change across operating systems and hardware platforms. They may also change within the same environment (i.e., operating system install and hardware combination) due to user intervention or other usually atypical factors. The user may also spoof a system identifier, but this is not a concern in typical scenarios because it is reasonable to assume that no malicious party is in control of the computer that is used to generate ZIP files and that the end-user has no interest in spoofing identifiers in a way that undermines the suitability of the system identifier for the cryptosystem. Social engineering attacks are excluded from the threat model because they can compromise every conceivable cryptosystem. In this vein, it should be noted that if any party succeeds in making PackSquash use a weak (i.e., predictable, non-unique) system identifier, the security of the whole cryptosystem would be compromised.

Another consequence of the facts stated above is that system identifiers may be of varying suitability for long-term cryptographic key generation. The impact that this consequence has on information security and usability is addressed with the system identifier selection and checking algorithm described in the following steps:

  1. Every candidate system identifier for the running environment is retrieved.
  2. The candidate system identifiers are sorted in descending order by their suitability score. The suitability score is the metric Shannon entropy of the system identifier, minus a constant number if the system identifier is believed to be volatile (i.e., that may change without any user intervention that may be reasonably expected to be targeted at changing the identifier). If a tie happens, non-volatile identifiers are considered to have a higher score. If both candidate identifiers have the same volatility, the candidate considered to have a higher score is the one who has a higher priority. The priority is a hardcoded integer that reflects how suitable the PackSquash authors think that the candidate system identifiers provided by some method are. In addition, priority values are chosen so that no two candidate identifiers can share the same priority value.
  3. The candidate system identifier with the most suitability score is used as the system identifier.
  4. If the chosen system identifier is volatile or does not meet a hardcoded minimum entropy threshold, warnings are emitted, so the user is notified of the fact that the identifier may not be suitable enough and can take corrective measures.

On Windows, PackSquash retrieves candidate system identifiers from the following sources:

  • The MachineGuid registry key located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography.
  • The SMBIOS system UUID, read through the Win32_ComputerSystemProduct WMI class, that is provided by the motherboard firmware on x86 hardware platforms.
  • The last Windows service or feature pack installation date, stored in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\InstallDate.

On Linux, PackSquash retrieves candidate system identifiers from the following sources:

On macOS, PackSquash retrieves candidate system identifiers from the following sources:

  • The IOPlatformSerialNumber of the IOPlatformExpertDevice I/O Kit device.
  • The gethostid() C function, defined by POSIX.1-2017 as an extension to the ISO C standard.

On every platform, the PACKSQUASH_SYSTEM_ID environment variable can be set to a RFC4122 UUID string that will be parsed as the system identifier, ignoring any other candidates. This is meant to support use cases where it is necessary to use a fixed system identifier, be it because PackSquash is not capable of getting a suitable one or because it is expected to be used across environments that may have different identifiers. Suitable values for this environment variable can be generated in this web page, which is provided by the PackSquash authors as an example of a good and convenient way to generate such UUIDs.

Finally, it should be noted that PackSquash will not attempt to get a system ID unless it is necessary. So, if the storage of Squash Times is disabled, no system ID will ever be computed and used for anything.

Application salt

The application salt is a hardcoded 128-bit number generated at build time using a CSPRNG. Because it is hardcoded, it is guaranteed to remain constant for every execution of a given PackSquash executable. Different builds may have a different application salt.

Filesystem-provided file modification timestamps

Explaining the details on how filesystems store file modification timestamps is out of scope for this document.

It suffices to remark that different filesystems may store this time data with varying precision, accuracy, and reliability. Some filesystems may not provide suitable modification timestamps at all. In their default configuration, the most common non-distributed filesystems (NTFS, ext2, ext3, ext4, AFS, HFS+, etc.) store suitable modification timestamps, but it is advised to double-check that this holds true if you use less common filesystems or configurations.

Another interesting remark is that PackSquash assumes that files with a modification time before their Squash Time were not changed in any way. This is usually a reasonable assumption, but it may not hold true if file modification timestamps are modified.

Squash Times

Squash Times are the count of half-seconds since Monday, 22 December 2014 0:00:00 (UTC), excluding leap seconds, until a file was optimized by PackSquash.

Mathematically, a Squash Time is defined as follows. Let U be the POSIX time that represents the instant when a file was optimized and is to be converted to a Squash Time, with millisecond precision (but not necessarily accuracy). Let E be the POSIX time value with millisecond precision for the Squash Time epoch, which is a constant whose value is 1419206400000. The Squash Time T is:

T = (U - E) / 500

Squash Times are always stored as unsigned 32-bit integers. However, the most significant bit is a stick parity bit that is always set to zero, whose purpose is to detect Squash Times that were tampered with or decrypted with unintended cryptographic parameters. So the highest date that can be represented is Wednesday, 30 December 2048 13:37:03 (UTC). The reasons for using Squash Times over standard second precision POSIX times are:

  • They avert the year 2038 problem while being twice as precise, thanks to the choice of a much more recent epoch.
  • Because they always need 4 bytes to be stored, they fit in the 4 bytes that the ZIP file records dedicate to the modification time and date fields, where they are stored after encryption.

Format-preserving encryption

Explaining the details of FPE is out of scope for this document. However, it is interesting to note that the CRC32 of a pack file is used as a tweak for the FF1 mode of operation of the AES-128 block cipher, so two files with different CRC32 will have different ciphertexts for the same plaintext.