Ballers Boutique E-Commerce Website Welcome to Ballers Boutique, your go-to destination for top-notch products! This e-commerce website is built using React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, with Firebase Authentication handling user authentication.
Table of Contents Features Prerequisites Getting Started Authentication Usage Contributing License Features User Authentication:
Email/Password Sign In Google Sign In User Registration with Email/Password and Google User Account Management:
Update Email Change Password Account Deletion (with Reauthentication) Pages:
Login Page Registration Page My Account Page Security:
Secure handling of sensitive user data Reauthentication for critical operations Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
Node.js and npm Firebase account with Authentication enabled Tailwind CSS configured in your project Getting Started Clone the repository:
git clone
cd ballers-boutique
Install dependencies:
npm install
Configure Firebase:
Create a Firebase project and enable Authentication. Obtain your Firebase config and replace it in the project. Start the development server:
npm start
Your Ballers Boutique website should be running at http://localhost:3000.
Authentication Ballers Boutique uses Firebase Authentication for handling user authentication. You need to configure Firebase in your project:
Set up a Firebase project: Firebase Console. Enable Authentication and configure providers (Email/Password, Google). Update your Firebase configuration in the project (usually found in src/firebase.ts).
Usage Login:
Access the login page to sign in with your email and password. Alternatively, use the Google Sign In option for a quick login.
Create a new account using the registration page. Choose either Email/Password or Google registration.
My Account:
Access the My Account page to update email or change the password. Safely delete your account with reauthentication for security.