setup basic backup on remote host
redmine_backup_user: "redminebackup"
redmine_backup_password: "$6$jm1S8uJ1VuB$4i9DYTWepvayTwwuO/JNFBhg2dJ0LP0gRyFXelGaLdmU9JRGSLi1EZB/Zncjnz8m0fzt1PPOXoFBwdxVnja3W/"
redmine_backup_mysqlpass: backup$password
redmine_backup_server: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
generate the password with
mkpasswd -s -m sha-512
default: backup$password
There are more optional vars at defaults/main.yml
sudo su redmine
redmine_back --restore --dropdb
To copy the contents from other server, on backup server:
rsync /home/redminebackup/backups user@redmineserver:
Then move the files, on redmine server:
mv /home/redminebackup/backups/ /home/redminebackup/oldbackups/
mv /home/user/backups/ /home/redminebackup/backups/
Then move the files from the other server and put them as yours
cd /home/redminebackup/backups
mv remoteserver myserver
Pablo Estigarribia
Test server name: TESTSERVER Prod server name: PRODSERVER Backup server name: BACKUPSERVER
Restore production on test server:
Login to test server TESTSERVER
:$ sudo su redminebackup
:$ cd /home/redminebackup
:$ mv backups oldbackups
:/home/redminebackup$ rsync -ahlu redminebackup@BACKUPSERVER:/home/redminebackup/backups/ backups/
We will restore on test server TESTSERVER so, we will rename the backups of prod server PRODSERVER to TESTSERVER to be used during restore.
:/home/redminebackup$ cd backups/ :/home/redminebackup/backups$ rm -rf TESTSERVERold :/home/redminebackup/backups$ mv TESTSERVER TESTSERVERold :/home/redminebackup/backups$ mv PRODSERVER TESTSERVER :$ exit
:$ sudo su redmine :/home/redminebackup/backups$ redmine_back --restore --dropdb
$ cd /opt/redmine/current/plugins :/opt/redmine/current/plugins$ source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && bundle install :/opt/redmine/current/plugins$ source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
:/opt/redmine/current/plugins$ source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
- Disable notifications
- Change hostname and path - TESTSERVER.YOURDOMAIN.NET Change application title