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Create flexible VPC networks in 1, 2, or 3 zones using Flow Logs and encrypted Cloud Object Storage buckets with a minimal input template.

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IBM Cloud Solution Engineering Flexible VPC Network Template

Create flexible VPC networks in 1, 2, or 3 zones using Flow Logs and encrypted Cloud Object Storage buckets with a minimal input template.

ICSE Landing Zone

Table of Contents

  1. VPC Configuration
  2. Transit Gateway
  3. Network Access Control Lists
  4. Cloud Services
  5. Logging and Monitoring
  6. Virtual Private Endpoints
  7. Naming Convention
  8. Template Variables
  9. Template Outputs

VPC Configuration

This template uses the following variables to configure Resource Groups, VPCs, network addresses, and subnet creation. A resource group will be dynamically created for each VPC.

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
zones number Number of zones for each VPC. Can be 1, 2, or 3 3
vpc_names list(string) Names for VPCs to create. A resource group will be dynamically created for each VPC. ["management", "workload"]
vpc_subnet_tiers list(string) List of names for subnet tiers to add to each VPC. For each tier, a subnet will be created in each zone of each VPC. Each tier of subnet will have a unique access control list on each VPC. ["vsi", "vpe"]
vpc_subnet_tiers_add_public_gateway list(string) List of subnet tiers where a public gateway will be attached. Public gateways will be created in each VPC using these network tiers. ["vpn"]
vpcs_add_vpn_subnet list(string) List of VPCs to add a subnet and VPN gateway. VPCs must be defined in var.vpc_names. A subnet and address prefix will be added in zone 1 for the VPN Gateway. ["management"]

Easily expand your architecturefrom one to three zones

Dynamically increase zones by increasing the zones variables. Networks are configured to ensure that network addresses within this template won't overlap.

One Zone Three Zones
ICSE Landing Zone ICSE Landing Zone

Network Subnet CIDR Configuration

A subnet and network prefix are created for each subnet tier in var.vpc_subnet_tiers in each VPC. These subnets and network addresses dynamically created to allow for expansion and to ensure that network addresses don't overlap. Network addresses for each subnet tier are calculated using the following template:


x = (Index of VPC Name in `var.vpc_names` * 3) + zone
y = Index of subnet tier in `var.vpc_subnet_tiers` + 1

This formatting reserves IP Ranges to allow for adding additional zones in the future by increasing var.zones and additional subnet tiers by adding names to var.vpc_subnet_tiers

Two VPCs with two subnet tiers in a single zone

VPC Zone Subnet Tier CIDR Block
management 1 vsi
management 1 vpe
workload 1 vsi
workload 1 vpe

Two VPCs with two subnet tiers in three zones

VPC Zone Subnet Tier CIDR Block
management 1 vsi
management 1 vpe
management 2 vsi
management 2 vpe
management 3 vsi
management 3 vpe
workload 1 vsi
workload 1 vpe
workload 2 vsi
workload 2 vpe
workload 3 vsi
workload 3 vpe

Adding Public Gateways

Public gateways can be attached to subnet tiers across each VPC by using the vpc_subnet_tiers_add_public_gateway variable. A public gateway will be created in each zone and will be attached to the desired subnets.

Adding VPN Gateways

VPCs listed in the vpcs_add_vpn_subnet variable will have a subnet created in Zone 1 of that VPC, and a VPN Gateway created on that subnet. The CIDR block 10.0.x0.0/24 is reserved for VPN Gateways in each VPC.

Transit Gateway

Use the following variables to manage Transit Gateway resources

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
enable_transit_gateway bool Create transit gateway true
transit_gateway_connections list(string) List of VPC names from var.vpc_names to connect via a single transit gateway. To not use transit gateway, provide an empty list. ["management", "workload"]

Network Access Control Lists

A Network Access Control List is created for each subnet tier in each VPC. Allow rules for all of these network ACLs are managed by the following variables:

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
add_cluster_rules bool Automatically add needed ACL rules to allow each network to create and manage Openshift and IKS clusters. true
global_inbound_allow_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where inbound traffic will be allowed. These allow rules will be added to each network acl. [ "", "" ]
global_outbound_allow_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where outbound traffic will be allowed. These allow rules will be added to each network acl. [ "" ]
global_inbound_deny_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where inbound traffic will be denied. These deny rules will be added to each network acl. Deny rules will be added after all allow rules. [ "" ]
global_outbound_deny_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where outbound traffic will be denied. These deny rules will be added to each network acl. Deny rules will be added after all allow rules. []

Default Allow Rules

Name CIDR Direction
Allow all internal VPC network traffic Inbound
Allow inbound traffic from IBM private service endpoints Inbound
Allow all outbound traffic Outbound

Default Deny Rules

Name CIDR Direction
All not-allowed traffic Inbound

Cluster Rules

In order to make sure that clusters can be created on VPCs, by default the following rules are added to ACLs where clusters are provisioned. For more information about controlling OpenShift cluster traffic with ACLs, see the documentation here.

Rule Action TCP / UDP Direction Source Source Port Destination Destination Port
Create Worker Nodes Allow Any inbound any any
Communicate with Service Instances Allow Any inbound any any
Allow Incling Application Traffic Allow TCP inbound 30000 - 32767 any
Expose Applications Using Load Balancer or Ingress Allow TCP inbound any 443
Create Worker Nodes Allow Any outbound any any
Communicate with Service Instances Allow Any outbound any any
Allow Incling Application Traffic Allow TCP outbound any 30000 - 32767
Expose Applications Using Load Balancer or Ingress Allow TCP outbound 443 any

Detailed Network ACL Rules

This module allows users to optionall use the detailed network acl rules module to allow for fine-grained network allow rules.

Using this module, users can:

  • Add rules to VPC ACLs to deny inbound and outbound traffic on any tcp or udp ports.
  • Define any number of custom rules using HCL and the detailed_acl_rules variable
  • Define any number of custom rules using JSON by adding them to acl-rules.json and setting the get_detailed_acl_rules_from_json variable to true.
    • This option is good for Schematics users, as it prevents needing to copy and paste HCL values into the GUI.

Detailed Network ACL Variables

Name Description Default
network_acls Network ACLs to retrieve from data. This data is intended to be retrieved from the vpc_network_acls output from the ICSE Flexible VPC Network template ( []
network_cidr CIDR block to use as the source for global outbound rules and destination for global inbound rules.
apply_new_rules_before_old_rules When set to true, any new rules to be applied to existing Network ACLs will be added before existing rules and after any detailed rules that will be added. Otherwise, rules will be added after. true
deny_all_tcp_ports Deny all inbound and outbound TCP traffic on each port in this list. [22, 80]
deny_all_udp_ports Deny all inbound and outbound UDP traffic on each port in this list. [22, 80]
get_detailed_acl_rules_from_json Decode local file acl_rules.json for the automated creation of Network ACL rules. true
acl_rule_json Decoded filedata for ACL rules null
detailed_acl_rules List describing network ACLs and rules to add.

Cloud Services

This template creates the following resources:

  • Key Protect
  • Cloud Object Storage

These resources are created in the management resource group, the resource group where components for the first VPC in var.vpc_names.

Key Management

This module by default creates a single Key Protect instance and an encryption key used for each Object Storage bucket created. A service authorization is also created to allow keys from this instance to be used to enrypt Block Storage for VPC.

(Optional) Use an existing Hyper Protect Crypto Services instance for key management

The following variables can be used to have keys and service authorizations use an existing HPCS instance.

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
existing_hs_crypto_name string OPTIONAL - Get data for an existing HPCS instance. If you want a KMS instance to be created, leave as null. null
existing_hs_crypto_resource_group string OPTIONAL - Resource group name for an existing HPCS instance. Use only with existing_hs_crypto_name. null

Cloud Object Storage

This template creates a single Cloud Object Storage instance. A service authorization policy is created to allow Object Storage buckets to be encrypted with the key management key. To prevent duplicate resource names, a randomized suffix can be added to all Object Storage resources by setting the cos_use_random_suffix variable to true.

Object Storage Buckets

An object storage bucket is created for each VPC for Flow Logs storage. If enabled, a bucket is also created for Atracker storage. Each bucket is encrypted using the key management encryption key.

Logging and Monitoring

This template uses Atracker and Flow Logs for logging and monitoring services at the VPC level.

Flow Logs Collectors

When each VPC is created it is attached to a Flow Logs Collector. Logs are stored in the corresponding Object Storage bucket.


By setting the enable_atracker variable to true, an Atracker target will be created. To add a route for Atracker, set the add_atracker_route variable to true.

Virtual Private Endpoints

Set the enable_virtual_private_enpoints variable to true to enable the creation of Virtual Private Endpoints for cloud servies. This template uses the ICSE VPE Module to create Reserved IPs and Gateways.

Example Architecture with Enabled VPE


VPE Varaibles

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
enable_virtual_private_endpoints bool Enable virtual private endpoints. false
vpe_services list(string) List of VPE Services to use to create endpoint gateways. ["cloud-object-storage", "kms"]
vpcs_create_endpoint_gateway_on_vpe_tier list(string) Create a Virtual Private Endpoint for supported services on each vpe tier of VPC names in this list. ["management", "workload"]

VPE Failure States

Configuration for this template will fail if enable_virtual_private_endpoints is true and vpe is not found in subnet_tiers.

Naming Convention

Each resource created using this template has the prefix in var.prefix prepended to the resource service instance name.

Resource Type Name Format
Resource Group <prefix>-<vpc_name>-rg
Object Storage <prefix>-cos-<random_suffix>
Object Storage Buckets <prefix>-<vpc_name>-<flow-logs or atracker>-bucket-<random_suffix>
Key Management <prefix>-kms
Key Management Key <prefix>-bucket-key
Transit Gateway <prefix>-transit-gateway
Transit Gateway Connections <prefix>-<vpc_name>-hub-connection
Public Gateways <prefix>-<vpc_name>-public-gateway-zone-<zone>
Network ACLs <prefix>-<vpc_name>-<subnet_tier_name>-acl
Subnets <prefix>-<vpc_name>-<subnet_tier_name>-<zone>
VPN Gateways <prefix>-<vpc_name>-vpn-gateway
VPCs <prefix>-<vpc_name>-vpc
Flow Logs Collectors <prefix>-<vpc_name>-flow-logs
Atracker <prefix>-atracker
Virtual Private Endpoint Gateways <prefix>-<vpc_name>-<service>-endpoint-gateway

Template Variables

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
ibmcloud_api_key string The IBM Cloud platform API key needed to deploy IAM enabled resources. true
region string The region to which to deploy the VPC
prefix string The prefix that you would like to prepend to your resources
tags list(string) List of Tags for the resource created null
zones number Number of zones for each VPC 3
vpc_names list(string) Names for VPCs to create. A resource group will be dynamically created for each VPC. ["management", "workload"]
vpc_subnet_tiers list(string) List of names for subnet tiers to add to each VPC. For each tier, a subnet will be created in each zone of each VPC. Each tier of subnet will have a unique access control list on each VPC. ["vsi", "vpe"]
vpc_subnet_tiers_add_public_gateway list(string) List of subnet tiers where a public gateway will be attached. Public gateways will be created in each VPC using these network tiers. ["vpn"]
vpcs_add_vpn_subnet list(string) List of VPCs to add a subnet and VPN gateway. VPCs must be defined in var.vpc_names. A subnet and address prefix will be added in zone 1 for the VPN Gateway. ["management"]
enable_transit_gateway bool Create transit gateway true
transit_gateway_connections list(string) List of VPC names from var.vpc_names to connect via a single transit gateway. To not use transit gateway, provide an empty list. ["management", "workload"]
add_cluster_rules bool Automatically add needed ACL rules to allow each network to create and manage Openshift and IKS clusters. true
global_inbound_allow_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where inbound traffic will be allowed. These allow rules will be added to each network acl. [ "", "" ]
global_outbound_allow_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where outbound traffic will be allowed. These allow rules will be added to each network acl. [ "" ]
global_inbound_deny_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where inbound traffic will be denied. These deny rules will be added to each network acl. Deny rules will be added after all allow rules. [ "" ]
global_outbound_deny_list list(string) List of CIDR blocks where outbound traffic will be denied. These deny rules will be added to each network acl. Deny rules will be added after all allow rules. []
apply_new_rules_before_old_rules bool When set to true, any new rules to be applied to existing Network ACLs will be added before existing rules and after any detailed rules that will be added. Otherwise, rules will be added after. true
deny_all_tcp_ports list(number) Deny all inbound and outbound TCP traffic on each port in this list. [22, 80]
deny_all_udp_ports list(number) Deny all inbound and outbound UDP traffic on each port in this list. [22, 80]
get_detailed_acl_rules_from_json bool Decode local file acl-rules.json for the automated creation of Network ACL rules. If this is set to false, detailed_acl_rules will be used instead. false
detailed_acl_rules See for full details List describing network ACLs and rules to add. []
existing_hs_crypto_name string OPTIONAL - Get data for an existing HPCS instance. If you want a KMS instance to be created, leave as null. null
existing_hs_crypto_resource_group string OPTIONAL - Resource group name for an existing HPCS instance. Use only with existing_hs_crypto_name. null
enable_atracker bool Enable activity tracker for this pattern. true
add_atracker_route bool Add a route to the Atracker instance. false
cos_use_random_suffix bool Add a randomize suffix to the end of each Object Storage resource created in this module. true
enable_virtual_private_endpoints bool Enable virtual private endpoints. true
vpe_services list(string) List of VPE Services to use to create endpoint gateways. ["cloud-object-storage", "kms"]
vpcs_create_endpoint_gateway_on_vpe_tier list(string) Create a Virtual Private Endpoint for supported services on each vpe tier of VPC names in this list. ["management", "workload"]

Template Outputs

The following are outputs of this template.

vpc_networks Output

For each network an object is created in the vpc_networks output that contains the following data:

  • VPC ID
  • VPC Name
  • Subnet Zone List
  • Network ACLs
  • Public Gateways
  • Security Groups
  • VPN Gateways

Services Outputs

Name Description
key_management_name Name of key management service
key_management_crn CRN for KMS instance
key_management_guid GUID for KMS instance
key_rings Key rings created by module
keys List of names and ids for keys created
cos_instances List of COS resource instances with shortname, name, id, and crn.
cos_buckets List of COS bucket instances with shortname, instance_shortname, name, id, crn, and instance id.

Key Management Keys Output

The keys output is a list with the following fields for each Key Management Key:

Field Name Field Value
shortname Name of key without prefix
name Composed name including prefix
id ID of the Key
crn CRN of the Key
key_id Key ID of Key

COS Instances Output

The cos_instances output is a list with the following fields for each Object Storage Instances:

Field Name Field Value
shortname Name of instance without prefix and random suffix
name Composed name including prefix and random suffix
id ID of the instance
crn CRN of the instance

COS Buckets Output

The cos_buckets output is a list with the following fields for each Object Storage Bucket:

Field Name Field Value
instance_shortname Shortname of the Object Storage instance where the bucket is created
instance_id Instance ID of the Object Storage instance where the bucket is created
shortname Name of bucket without prefix and random suffix
name Composed name including prefix and random suffix
id ID of the Bucket
crn CRN of the Bucket

COS Resource Keys Output

The cos_keys output is a list with the following fields for each Object Storage Bucket:

Field Name Field Value
instance_shortname Shortname of the Object Storage instance where the key is created
instance_id Instance ID of the Object Storage instance where the key is created
shortname Name of key without prefix and random suffix
name Composed name including prefix and random suffix
id Resource Key ID
crn Resource Key CRN


Create flexible VPC networks in 1, 2, or 3 zones using Flow Logs and encrypted Cloud Object Storage buckets with a minimal input template.






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