- SwiftGen : How to use it!!!!
- SwiftGen is a tool to auto-generate Swift code for resources of your projects, to make them type-safe to use.
- 한국어 설명 링크 : Sample description in Korean
| check version information?!!
$ swiftgen --version SwiftGen v5.2.1 (Stencil v0.9.0, StencilSwiftKit v2.3.0, SwiftGenKit v2.1.1)
- Stencil : The magical, reusable web component compiler
- StencilSwiftKit : StencilSwiftKit is a framework bringing additional Stencil nodes & filters dedicated to Swift code generation.
- SwiftGenKit : This is the framework behind SwiftGen, responsible for parsing various resources and turning them into Stencil contexts.
- This repository has been merged into the main SwiftGen repository.
Before you test, be sure to follow the link and follow the installation process.
$ brew update
$ brew install swiftgen
$ swiftgen ...
Download the sample source and modify the "/Resources/TestCase0?Localizable.strings" file. Then run the build. This will change the file "/Constants/Test.Case0?.Localized.swift".
Script Setting (Target >> Bulid Phases Tap >> + Button Click >> New Run Script Phase) |
Base Template Detail |
- You can create a **** .sh file later and run it.
- Now let 's test the basics of 5 things!
- swiftgen strings [OPTIONS] FILE1 …
- swiftgen storyboards [OPTIONS] DIR1 …
- swiftgen xcassets [OPTIONS] CATALOG1 …
- swiftgen colors [OPTIONS] FILE1 …
- swiftgen fonts [OPTIONS] DIR1 …
- ViewController.swift
override func viewDidLoad() {
func testSamplesBaseTemplates() {
// Case 01 : String
case01Label.text = L10n.testCase01TitleTop01
// Case 02 : String
case02Label.text = TestCase02Strings.testCase02TitleTop01
// Case 03 : String
case03Label.text = TestCase03Strings.testCase03TitleBottom01
// Case 04 : Storyboard
// Pass
// Case 05-1 : Assets
// let swiftGenSample01Image = UIImage(asset: Asset.imageSwiftGenSample01)
let swiftGenSample01Image = Asset.imageSwiftGenSample01.image
case0501ImageView.image = swiftGenSample01Image
// case0502Label.textColor = UIColor(asset: Asset.test01Color)
case0502Label.textColor = Asset.test01Color.color
// Case 06 : Colors
// case06Label.textColor = Color(named:ColorName.articleBody)
case06Label.textColor = ColorName.articleBody.color
// Case 07 : Fonts
// case06Label.font = UIFont(font: FontFamily.SFCompactDisplay.ultralight, size: 30.0)
case07Label.font = UIFont(font: FontFamily.SFProDisplay.blackItalic, size: 30.0)
Let's look at the details.
Let's build it!
- resource file : TestCase01Localizable.strings
Script.. # testing script case 01 swiftgen strings "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Resources/TestCase01Localizable.strings" --template structured-swift4 --output "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case01.Localized.swift"
Read the Link(SwiftGen) "Templates bundled with SwiftGen:".
A swift2 template, compatible with Swift 2 A swift3 template, compatible with Swift 3 A swift4 template, compatible with Swift 4 Other variants, like flat-swift2/3/4 and structured-swift2/3/4 templates for Strings, etc.
- file link : .. /Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case01.Localized.swift
Define the naming of the enum yourself, and abbreviate the command.
- add : --param enumName=TestCase02Strings
- modify : --output => -o
- modify : --template => -t
Script.. # testing script case 02 swiftgen strings --param enumName=TestCase02Strings "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Resources/TestCase02Localizable.strings" -t structured-swift4 -o "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case02.Localized.swift"
- file link : .. /Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case02.Localized.swift
Add localization
- modify : ../Resources/.. => ../Resources/Base.lproj/..
difference point |
Script.. # testing script case 03 swiftgen strings --param enumName=TestCase03Strings "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Resources/Base.lproj/TestCase03Localizable.strings" -t structured-swift4 -o "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case03.Localized.swift"
- file link : .. /Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case03.Localized.swift
Storyboards are a little different but similar.
Script.. # testing script case 04 swiftgen storyboards -t swift4 "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard" -o "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case04.Storyboards.swift"
- file link : .. /Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case04.Storyboards.swift
Let's try Xcassets!
Script.. # testing script case 05 swiftgen xcassets "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Assets.xcassets" -t swift4 -o "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case05.Xcassets.swift"
- file link : .. /Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case05.Xcassets.swift
I added color samples. However, you can add color in xcassets. It will then be added to the output of case 5.
- add file (colors.txt)
add colors.txt |
Script.. # testing script case 06 swiftgen colors -t swift4 "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Resources/colors.txt" -o "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case06.Colors.swift"
- file link : .. /Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case06.Colors.swift
I added some of the font files from Apple, and tried to code-generate the fonts in that path into files.
- add fonts file (in "Font" folder)
add fonts file |
Script.. # testing script case 07 # https://developer.apple.com/fonts/ swiftgen fonts -t swift4 "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Resources/Font" -o "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case07.Fonts.swift"
- file link : .. /Constants/BasicTemplate/Test.Case07.Fonts.swift
Let's create a file that you want to make.
- What is Stencil? : https://stencil.fuller.li/en/latest/
The Stencil template language Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift. It provides a syntax similar to Django and Mustache. If you’re familiar with these, you will feel right at home with Stencil.
- You only need to know how to use it, and you can use Stencil by default.
- Take a look at the use cases below.
- If you know the grammar, how can you customize it? That way, you can click the link below to get the template source. This can be analyzed and corrected.
What if you want to make it an Objective-C source? Let's try it.
- I tried to make it #define simply. :)
Script.. # testing script case 01 swiftgen strings "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Resources/TestCase01Localizable.strings" --templatePath ${SRCROOT}/swiftgen/StencilTemplates/Localization/objLocalization.stencil --output "${SRCROOT}/${TARGETNAME}/Constants/CustomTemplate/Test.Custom.Case01.Localized.h"
- objLocalization.stencil
{% if tables.count > 0 %} {# You can modify the value below with the actual value. #} {% macro recursiveBlock table item sp %} {{sp}} {% for string in item.strings %} {{sp}} {% if not param.noComments %} {{sp}} /// {{string.translation}} {{sp}} #define {{string.name}} "{{string.key}}" {{sp}} {% endif %} {{sp}} {% if not param.noComments %} {{sp}} /// LOG : {{string}} {{sp}} {% endif %} {{sp}} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} {# print #} {% call recursiveBlock tables.first.name tables.first.levels "" %} {% else %} // No string found {% endif %}
- file link : .. /Constants/CustomTemplate/Test.Custom.Case01.Localized.h
/// test(case01) string 1 #define test_case01_sub_index01 "test_case01_sub_index01" /// LOG : ["translation": "test(case01) string 1", "name": "test_case01_sub_index01", "key": "test_case01_sub_index01"] /// test(case01) string 2 #define test_case01_sub_index02 "test_case01_sub_index02" /// LOG : ["translation": "test(case01) string 2", "name": "test_case01_sub_index02", "key": "test_case01_sub_index02"] /// test(case01) sample 2 #define test_case01_title_bottom01 "test_case01_title_bottom01" /// LOG : ["translation": "test(case01) sample 2", "name": "test_case01_title_bottom01", "key": "test_case01_title_bottom01"] /// test(case01) sample 1 #define test_case01_title_top01 "test_case01_title_top01" /// LOG : ["translation": "test(case01) sample 1", "name": "test_case01_title_top01", "key": "test_case01_title_top01"]
Want to make your default template look different?
.. doing it.
Why not try it?
You can also manage it by running it as a script command from the shell separately.
- [iOSSampleApp] (https://github.com/igorkulman/iOSSampleApp) In this way, a single project can be packaged.
- Thank you.
- I will try to make some more samples