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Example repo Node.js CI/CD with GitHub Actions

CI/CD goals

The goals are incremental:

  1. Build and test Node.js app code after pushes

  2. Build Docker image and publish to DockerHub after new tag pushes

  3. (TODO) Deploy to servers or clusters

GitHub Actions secrets setup

Add secrets to this repository before using GitHub Actions workflows.

The 2 secrets required to push Docker images to Docker Hub is:

  • DOCKERHUB_USERNAME - your username on Docker Hub

  • DOCKERHUB_TOKEN - your Docker Hub access token

These will be used by workflow docker.yaml to authenticate when pushing to Docker Hub.

Example app

The example web app needs to connect to a MongoDB instance.

The repo provides a [Dockerfile] and a docker-compose.yaml to help you understand how the app works:

# Interactive run
docker compose -f ./deploy/docker-compose.yaml up;

# Detached run
docker compose -f ./deploy/docker-compose.yaml up -d;

# Stop
docker compose -f ./deploy/docker-compose.yaml down;