1.0, Full Windows Support
This release marks the 1.0 release of jluna, it is no longer in Beta.
It adds no new features, but does heavily modify the source code such that it works out-of-the-box on Windows machines, tested with MinGW's g++ and Visual Studios MSVC 19.34 on a physical Windows 10 machine. It furthermore resolves any clang-tidy warnings and similar style-issues. The docs were polished and updated where necessary.
With this, active development of jluna has now seized. If someone reports an issue, especially on Windows, I'll of course deal with them as they come up, though it may take me a few days to respond. Once Julia 1.9 releases as stable and most users migrated from 1.8 to it, I'll redo the multi-threading interface, but it will be a long time until then, I think.
I don't think anyone reads these release notes anyway, but just in case I would like to thank anyone supporting me on this project, I'm proud of my work, but I'm almost more proud that I managed to see it through to the end.