Datasets for Clear Genesis, aimed to be maximally useful for agentive and retrieval AI applications
All datasets retain their original licenses. Alignment datasets currently use openly-licensed Bibles from the eBible Corpus. Here is the statement from the eBible corpus repository, which also applies here:
The Bibles in this repository have been collected from To the best of our ability, we have ensured the resources in this repository are releasable in this form, either belonging to the Public Domain, with a permissive Creative Commons license, or with permission of the rights holder. Subsequent use of this material is subject to the license terms of the original source, found with the corresponding name in the Copyright and License folder. If you believe we are in error in our determination, we will respond to requests via pull request or e-mail from the copyright holders to takedown the offending material. (Retrieved Sept 25, 2023)
Any modified or novel data in this repository is under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license as per Biblica's policy of radical generosity.