mochicow is a mochiweb adapter for cowboy.
There are 2 ways to use mochicow:
as a cowboy protocol: It will use the socket acceptor pool of cowboy instead of the mochiweb one.
as a protocol upgrade. Like websockets you can upgrade a cowboy handler to use a mochiweb loop. It allows you to use both your new code with cowboy and old code with mochiweb.
To use mochiweb with the cowboy socketpool, you just need to use the
module as the prococol when you start a cowboy
listener. You pass the mochiweb lopp
in the protocol options via the
-export([start/0, stop/0, loop/1]).
-define(LOOP, {?MODULE, loop}).
start() ->
cowboy:start_listener(http, 100,
cowboy_tcp_transport, [{port, 8000}],
mochicow_protocol, [{loop, ?LOOP}]).
stop() ->
loop(Req) ->
Req:respond({200, [{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
<<"Hello world">>});.
You can use mochicow to quietly migrate your code from mochiweb to
cowboy or use both ath the sametime. To do that you will need to use the
upgrqde the protocol using mochicow_upgrade
as the protocol. This
handler that you upgrade need to have the loop
property to use
a mochiweb loop.
-export([start/0, stop/0]).
-define(LOOP, {mochi_handler, loop}).
start() ->
Dispatch = [
%% {Host, list({Path, Handler, Opts})}
{'_', [{[<<"mochi">>,'_'], mochi_handler, [{loop, ?LOOP}]},
{'_', cowboy_handler, []}]}
cowboy:start_listener(http, 100,
cowboy_tcp_transport, [{port, 8080}],
cowboy_http_protocol, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]).
stop() ->
-export([init/3, loop/1]).
init({tcp, http}, _Req, _Opts) ->
{upgrade, protocol, mochicow_upgrade}.
loop(Req) ->
Req:respond({200, [{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
<<"Hello from mochiweb">>}).
See more usage examples in the examples
for the usage.