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For iOS iPadOS users (a Shell, Deprecated)

Charles Chiu edited this page Oct 21, 2023 · 3 revisions



STOP! before you keep reading, read below line first!!!

NOTE!!!: Please view deprecation details at

NOTE: All commands should be typed in a-Shell interface.

  1. Open a-Shell and generate a new ssh-key for your device.

    • Basically, follow the steps in here, and a hidden .ssh folder will be automatically created in the a-Shell directory.
    • Important: Please remember the path of ssh-key is created, it's needed in step 6.
  2. Change directory as you like with command cd.

    • Learn some basic command in this section.
  3. Type lg2 clone [email protected]:{your-username}/{your-reponame}.git and hit enter.

    • lg2 is a built-in Git core methods in a-Shell, ref.
  4. If it's your first time git clone something from GitHub, it will probably ask if you agree to authorized the connection, just type Yes and hit enter.

  5. Config your git info:

  6. Setup passphrase-free ssh connection, you can skip this step if you want to enter passphrase to start ssh connection every time.

    • ssh-add /path/to/ssh-key, for example, ssh-add ~/Documents/.ssh/id_rsa in my case. The path might varied, depends on your device.
  7. Make Shortcut(Automation):

    • On Logseq open:

    • On Logseq exit:

  8. Test the automations:

    • Make some modification in Logseq, then exit Logseq.
    • Verify your changes have been pushed to GitHub. If not, re-do above steps to check what's missed.
  9. If nothing goes wrong, you are a happy Logseq user!

I just want to put a meme here...
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