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Rob Zienert edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

Aug 27: What's left

  • Brewery / Beer
    • SimpleDB import
    • Search
    • Validation
  • Account
    • SimpleDB import
    • Photos
  • Cellars
    • Add fields:
      • Contact info (for trading)
        • twitter
        • reddit
        • beeradvocate
        • ratebeer
  • CellaredBeer
    • Add fields:
      • Bin # (what box its in)
      • Tradeable flag
    • SimpleDB import
  • infrastructure
    • CircleCI for Java8
    • Sentry
    • Logentries
    • Pingdom vs ???
    • Remove NewRelic for now
    • New deploy script for ElasticBeanstalk
    • Ratpack logging -> to file instead of stdout
    • Better Healthchecks
    • Session storage - PostgreSQL or Cookies
  • Mass email
    • Send custom text w/ forgotpassword email
  • Status page
    • "We're upgrading cellarhq!" while we're going down - just have R53 -> S3.
  • Home page
    • Landing page displaying features & bananas
  • Shelve:
    • Import beers
    • Photo uploads
    • Activity Stream
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