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what all the IDE buttons do

Ryan Wisnesky edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 2 revisions


  • Run. Executes the main program.
  • Stop. Attempts to terminate the main executing program.
  • New CQL. Creates a new CQL file.
  • New EASIK. Creates a new EASIK file.
  • Open. Opens a .cql or .easik file.
  • Save. Saves the main program.
  • Back. Moves the cursor backward in time in the main program.
  • Fwd. Moves the cursor forward in time in the main program.
  • Options. Opens the options configuration dialog.
  • Example Box. Loads an example as the main program.
  • Prove Box. When checking, automated static checking occurs in real-time.
  • Sort Box. When checked, the program outline will be sorted by definition name instead of by position in the program.


  • Save As. Saves the main program as a new file.
  • Save All. Saves all the (edited) main programs.
  • Close. Closes the main program.
  • Quit. Quits the IDE.


  • Find/Replace. Finds and replaces definitions in the main program.
  • Goto Line. Goes to a specific line number in the main program.
  • Goto Definition. Goes to a specific definition name in the main program. Requires a working parse.
  • Copy. Copies the selected text to the system clipboard.
  • Copy as RTF. Copies the selected text to the system clipboard as rich text (colors, italics, etc).
  • Cut. Cuts the selected text to the system clipboard.
  • Paste. Pastes the system clipboard into the main program.
  • Undo. Undoes the last edit in the main program.
  • Redo. Redoes the last edit in the main program.
  • Fold All. Folds all the braces in the main program.
  • Unfold All. Unfolds all the braces in the main program.
  • Refresh Outline. Refreshes the main program outline UI.


  • NR Shredder. Demonstrates how nested relational schemas can be shredded into flat relational schemas.
  • EASIK. Runs the EASIK tool.


  • Self Test. Runs all the built-in examples.
  • Infer. When mapping/query/transform name = literal : C -> D is selected, infers a mapping or query or transform from C to D. or, when instance name = literal : C is selected, infers the empty instance but emits comments suggesting possible rows. Requires a valid program.
  • Emit HTML. Emits an HTML file describing the output of an executed program.
  • Code Format. Formats the main program. All comments will be lost.


  • Help. Opens the CQL help site in an internet browser.