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Name Version
terraform >= 1.1.0
aws >= 4.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.0


Name Source Version
kms ../kms n/a


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.this resource
aws_ecs_cluster.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
capacity_providers List of short names of one or more capacity providers to associate with the cluster. Valid values also include FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT. list(string) [] no
cluster_name Name to be used for the cluster string null no
container_insights Controls if ECS Cluster has container insights enabled bool false no
default_capacity_provider_strategy The capacity provider strategy to use by default for the cluster. Can be one or more. list(map(any)) [] no
name Name to be used on all the resources as identifier string null no
tags A map of tags to add to ECS Cluster map(string) {} no


Name Description
kms_key This is the KMS


Name Version
terraform >= 1.1.0
aws >= 4.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.0


Name Source Version
kms git:: v1


Name Type
aws_ecs_account_setting_default.this resource
aws_ecs_cluster.this resource
aws_ecs_cluster_capacity_providers.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
capacity_providers List of short names of one or more capacity providers to associate with the cluster. Valid values also include FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT. list(string) [] no
container_insights Controls if ECS Cluster has container insights enabled string "enabled" no
default_capacity_provider_strategy The capacity provider strategy to use by default for the cluster. Can be one or more. list(map(any)) [] no
kms_key_alias KMS key alias. string n/a yes
name Name to be used on all the resources as identifier string n/a yes
tags A map of tags to add to ECS Cluster map(string) {} no


Name Description
ecs_cluster_arn ARN of the ECS Cluster
ecs_cluster_name The name of the ECS cluster
kms_key_arn n/a