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Solution to the BYU FEN coding challenge (


  1. mvn clean
  2. mvn install
  3. mvn test for testing
  4. mvn spring-boot:run


Running mvn spring-boot:run will spin up the application on localhost:8081. All endpoints are accessed with the HTTP GET request.

  • \ping - A sanity endpoint to ensure that the server is up and running
  • \validate?fen=[FEN] - An endpoint to check the validity of the FEN string passed in as a query parameter
  • \task1?fen=[FEN] - Prints out a board based on the provided FEN string. The FEN string must be valid or an error message will display instead
  • \task2?fen=[FEN] - Calls the API and updates the FEN string based on the suggested move. If a bestmove is specified, it will be used instead. This endpoint handles castling, en passant, and pawn promotion.
  • \stretch?fen=[FEN] - Prints out a board of an updated FEN, a combination of task 1 and task 2

Why Spring Boot?

Most Java-based services use Java EE or some sort of framework. I chose Spring because it was the Java framework I was most familiar with. This also allows me to showcase my skills with developing a RESTful service.

How can I improve this?

  • These are the steps to move a piece and update the FEN representation
    • Convert current FEN piece data representation to a 64 character string, replacing numbers with that number of dashes:
      • e.g. rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR becomes rnbqkbnrpppppppp--------------------------------PPPPPPPPRNBQKBNR
    • Determine the "from" square and the "to" square.
      • e.g. a2a3. a2 is the from square. a3 is the to square.
    • Calculate the character positions of the given squares
      • character position = 8 * (8 - row number) + column number, where a = 0 -> h = 7
      • a2 = 48, a3 = 40
    • Set the to square = character in from square
    • Set the from square character to '-'
    • Convert the 64 character string representation back to FEN notation I would like to be able to work out a solution that didn't affect the entire board; just the rows that are affected by the move
  • Only the piece placement data is updated. Improvements could include changing the active color each move, remove castling ability flags if the king or rooks move without castling, detect if a pawn moves in such a way that it can be captured by en passant, etc...
  • As part of the FEN validation process, I could check to see if there are too many pieces of one type, such as checking to ensure that each side has only one king.
  • Ensure moves are valid before completing the movement action. This would include
    • Check to see if the "from" square is within reach of the piece in the "to" square.
    • Check to make sure that a move doesn't put the active player's king in check


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