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Kung Faux Pandas: Simplifying privacy protection

King, J., Russell, S., Bennett, T. D., & Ghosh, D. (2019). Kung Faux Pandas Simplifying privacy protection. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, 2019, 267.

There are many barriers to data access and data sharing, especially in the domain of machine learning on health care data. Legal constraints such as HIPAA protect patient privacy but slow access to data and limit reproducibility. This repository contains an end-to-end system called Kung Faux Pandas for easily generating de-identified or synthetic data which is statistically similar to given real data but lacks sensitive information. This system focuses on data synthesis and de-identification narrowed to a specific research question to allow for self-service data access without the complexities required to generate an entire population of data that is not needed for a given research project. Kung Faux Pandas is an open source publicly available system that lowers barriers to HIPAA- and GDPR-compliant data sharing for enabling reproducibility and other purposes.

This data synthesis process was created using Python. In order to make it easier for others to replicate the environment, a range of environments are supported: Conda environment export, virtualenv requirements file, and a docker image with the latest code.

Python Setup

To run the software, download/clone this repository and then run the appropriate command below based on your Python distribution:

Conda users

From the base directory of the repository:

cd sourcecode/python/
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate kungfauxpandas

Note: Windows users may need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools/Build Tools for Visual Studio in order to sucessfully build and install all packages in the environment. Tools are available for free at

Virtualenv users

From the base directory of the repository:

cd sourcecode/python/
virtualenv kungfauxpandas
source kungfauxpandas/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

For macOS users, you may see errors with a message like "Python is not installed as a framework. The Mac OS X backend will not be able to function correctly if Python is not installed as a framework..." If you have this problem, see Stack Overflow posts matplotlib: RuntimeError: Python is not installed as a framework or Unable to “import matplotlib.pyplot as plt” in virtualenv for solutions.

Install plugin(s)

This software provides a method for adding new plugins for data synthesis. The only method fully included with this repository is a kernel density estimation method based on scipy's gaussian KDE (see scipy.stats.gaussian_kde). We have developed plugins for DataSynthesis and are currently working on one for Synthetic dataset Generation Framework. In order to use a plugin, you must download additional software.


To make sure you get the version compatible and tested with Kung Faux Pandas, you can either download a zip at the specific commit, or use git and checkout the correct commit. For both steps, start from the base directory of the repository:

Download zip file

cd plugins/
mv DataSynthesizer-0bae2c18a3d6998e2f370fbf2fb816bebb8b0abc/ DataSynthesizer/

Git clone with specific commit

cd plugins/
git clone
cd DataSynthesizer
git checkout 0bae2c1

Some of the DataSynthesizer examples may require installation of additional software or Python libraries.

For example, Django is required for some of the webUI items. Install with:

conda install django


pip install django

Running the software

Currently two methods are provided - a web interface (utilizing a REST API) or Python class


Start a web server:

From the base directory of the repository:

cd sourcecode/html
python -m http.server 8080

Start the Hug REST API server

From the base directory of the repository:

cd sourcecode/python
hug -p 8000 -f

For those interested in how we created the Conda or virtualenv files:

To save conda env

From the base directory of the repository:

cd sourcecode/python/
conda create -n kungfauxpandas python=3.9
conda activate kungfauxpandas
conda install chardet cython jupyter matplotlib numpy pandas psycopg2 pytest scikit-learn scipy seaborn sqlparse statsmodels
pip install hug
conda env export -n kungfauxpandas | grep -v "^prefix: " > environment.yml

Note, the resulting environment.yml file will include files specified above as well as all dependencies, so will include much more than just the package list above.

Steps to create the virtualenv

From the base directory of the repository:

cd sourcecode/python/
virtualenv kungfauxpandas
source kungfauxpandas/bin/activate
pip install chardet cython hug jupyter matplotlib numpy pandas psycopg2 pytest scikit-learn scipy seaborn sqlparse statsmodels
pip list --format=freeze > requirements.txt

Note, the resulting requirements.txt file will include files specified above as well as all dependencies, so will include much more than just the package list above.

Docker Notes

Using the provided docker image

Use the provided docker image by executing the following:

docker pull blackspot/synthesis
docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 8080:8080 -it blackspot/synthesis

Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080

User your own data with the docker image

The provided docker container has a sample data set generated using test_data_generator.ipynb

If you want to use the docker container with your own data, there are a couple of options:

  1. Save your data into a SQLite database and copy into the container. To do this, first stop the running container (Ctrl-C if in the foreground in your terminal) then execute the following:

    docker cp <mysqlite.db> <container name or id>:/app/kungfauxpandas-master/data/sample_data.db

    Replace <mysqlite.db> with your actual SQLite database file, and replace with the name or ID of your container (docker ps -a to see all your containers). Then start the container with docker start <container name or id>

  2. Upload new data via the Web UI. By clicking the "Import Data" button in the upper right of the screen, a dialog is presented by which you can upload CSV files to the database. The new table will be named the same as the file uploaded (minus .csv if the file ends in .csv).

  3. Adjust and change the database connection from the provided sample SQLite database, or use the KFP Python API directly.

How to rebuild the docker image

Clone the git repo and from the base of the repo run the following:

cd sourcecode/scripts
docker build -t kungfauxpandas .

If you want to run the docker image you just created:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 8080:8080 -it kungfauxpandas

How we make the docker image available via dockerhub

docker login --username=blackspot
docker images
# find image id and replace <imageid> with the actual id
docker tag <imageid> blackspot/synthesis:latest
docker push blackspot/synthesis:latest

Unit Testing

pytest is used for the unit tests for the Python components of this software.

To run unit tests, checkout the repository, install dependencies, and do the following from the base of the repo:

cd sourceode/python

OS Specific Requirements

All OSes require a compiler to be installed first - if you already can build and install Python libraries you are already setup.

On Ubunut 18.04 LTS, some system libraries must be installed before you can install and build the required Python libraries.

sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev