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A battle-tested React Native starter kit to get you off to a flying start


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React Native Starter

A simple React Native Starter app providing the following:

This app provides the basis for all CS Frequency's React Native apps.

Getting started

Clone and install dependencies

  • Clone the react-native-starter repository with the following commands:

    git clone
    cd react-native-starter
  • Install dependencies:

    Run yarn or npm install

  • [iOS] Initialise Cocoapods:

    Follow the instructions here if you don't already have CocoaPods installed.

    cd ios
    pod install
    cd ..

Rename your app

We've provided a simple renaming tool that allows you to use your own application and company name.

  • Run yarn rename or npm run rename
  • Follow the on screen instructions
  • Take note of your package name as you may need this at a later date

Start your app

  • Start the React Native packager:

    react-native start
  • [iOS] Build and run the iOS app:

    // Debug
    react-native run-ios --scheme="{AppName} - Debug"
    // Release
    react-native run-ios --scheme="{AppName} - Release"

    This will automatically start the iOS simulator for you if one is not already started.

  1. [Android] Build and run the Android app:

    You'll need to have an Android device attached or an emulator running already.

    react-native run-android

React Navigation setup

This starter app leans on our experience building React Native apps and uses the following battle-tested app hierarchy:

  • StackNavigator
    • SwitchNavigator
      • Screen for Initialisation
      • StackNavigator for logged out application screens
        • Logged out screens
      • StackNavigator for logged in application flow
        • TabNavigator for logged in tabs
          • StackNavigator for tab 1
            • Screens for tab 1 go here
          • StackNavigator for tab 2
            • Screens for tab 2 go here
        • Modal screens that need to show over the tabs go here
    • Common logged out / logged in screens go here

Login and Registration flow

We've provided example email login and registration screens which are set up ready to connect to your favoured backend, e.g. Firebase, AWS Amplify, AuthO, etc.

  • Login: src/screens/LoggedOut/Login/index.js
  • Registration: src/screens/LoggedOut/Registration/index.js

Flow, ESLint and Prettier

We've included our favoured Flow, ESLint and Prettier configurations as a starting point.

  • .flowconfig is the standard React Native .flowconfig
  • .eslintrc.js is based off the Airbnb ESLint ruleset with a few little tweaks
  • prettier.config.js is a fairly standard Prettier configuration

Multiple environments

We know how useful it is to be able to test your app against different environments, which is why we've built in support for dual environments: Debug and Release.

By default we add the .debug suffix to the Debug application's package name. For example:

Release: com.yourcompany.yourapp
Debug: com.yourcompany.yourapp.debug

To use different configuration files for each environment:


  • Add configuration files to:
    • Debug: ios/Config/Debug
    • Release: ios/Config/Release
  • Select either the Debug or Release schema from within XCode when running or building your app


  • Add configuration files to:
    • Debug: android/app/src/debug
    • Release: android/app/src/release
    • Shared: android/app/src/main

Other tips and tricks

No relative paths

We've added package.json module files into our top level directories assets, components and theme to ensure you no longer have to use unwieldy relative paths. This means you can simply do the following:

import { Button } from 'Components`;

Assets shorthand

We load all assets in a single file src/assets/index.js so you can do the following:

import { Image } from 'react-native';
import assets from 'Assets';

const Logo = <Image src={assets.logo} />;


We set up some simple color and navigation themes in src/theme/index.js so you can do the following:

import { Text } from 'react-native';
import { colors } from 'Theme';

const Text = (
  <Text style={{color: colors.primary}}>


If you find any problems, please open an issue or submit a fix as a pull request.

Need help building your app?

This repository is a great place to start, but if you'd prefer to sit back and have your new project built for you, get in touch with us directly and we can organise a quote.


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