Alpha release
This release contains all features we did not track in our release notes (the 0.0.1"Initial release"). For a full overview of BioFSharp's functionality check the documentation.
Additionally, the following features were introduced:
(get nuget packages from the nuget branch)
ImgP - project introduction:
- Toolbox for analysis of neuronal calcium-imaging data
BioFSharp.ML - project introduction:
- Usage of Microsoft's CNTK library with a biological focus:
- This project comes with working CNTK integration:
- necessary dependencies to use CNTK and its unmanaged libraries
- CNTK loadscript: an easy way to load all dependencies of CNTK. load the script and use the resolveCNTKDependencies() function.
- Built-in deep neural network 'd::ppop' (publication)
- predict peptide observability in mass spectrometry
- Classification: functions to determine peptide feature vectors as input for dppop
- Prediction: functions to predict peptide observability using the feature vectors prepared in Classification.
- NonPlant and Plant models as embedded resources: the two models used in the original Web API. Additionally load custom models.
BioFSharp.BioTools - project introduction:
- uses docker.dotnet to use docker images and stream their output to fsi
- Low level wrapping of multiple docker.dotnet functions for F#
- Basic functionality for using docker images from fsi
- BioContainer functionality:
- Add windows/unix path conversions and subpath matching to MounInfo
- Add execReturnAsync (returns stdout of docker container) and execAsync (redirects stdout/stderr of container)
- Addition of blast biocontainer support for:
- BLAST: makeblastdb, blastp, blastn
- hmmbuild
- hmmalign
- hmmsearch
- hmmscan
- hmmemit
- hmmpress
- hmmconvert
- Hera
- FastP
- ClustalO
Addition of Pretty Printers, SOFT Parser, GEOFTP functions
Improvement and refactoring of Modification functionality