A Guide For CoSSA Members to Learn Javascript
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- Awesome Javascript This curated collection features a wide range of JavaScript libraries, frameworks, tools, and resources that are perfect for both beginners and experienced developers. Whether you're looking for browser-side libraries, Node.js modules, or development tools, you'll find something useful here.
- Awesome NextJS This curated collection features a variety of Next.js frameworks, libraries, tools, and resources perfect for enhancing your Next.js development experience. Whether you're building server-rendered React applications, static websites, or anything in between, you'll find invaluable resources here.
- Awesome Nodejs This curated collection features a wide range of Node.js frameworks, libraries, tools, and resources perfect for building scalable and efficient server-side applications. Whether you're developing APIs, web applications, or backend services, you'll find invaluable resources here.
- Awesome Deno A curated list of Deno resources, libraries, tools, and tutorials. Perfect for developers looking to explore and master Deno, a modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- Awesome Bun This repository gathers the best libraries, frameworks, and tools for the Bun JavaScript runtime, aiming to simplify and enhance the development experience.
- Awesome React A comprehensive collection of React resources, including libraries, tools, and articles. Ideal for React developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.
- React Repository The official repository for the React framework, containing source code, documentation, and examples to help you build user interfaces with React.
- Awesome Redux A curated list of Redux libraries, tools, and learning resources. This repository is perfect for developers looking to manage state in their applications more effectively.
- Awesome Preact A collection of resources for Preact, a fast and lightweight alternative to React. This list includes libraries, tools, and tutorials for Preact development.
- Awesome React Native A curated list of React Native libraries, tools, and resources. Ideal for developers building mobile applications using React Native.
- Awesome Electron A collection of resources for Electron, a framework for building cross-platform desktop applications. This list includes libraries, tools, and tutorials for Electron development.
- Awesome Angular A curated list of Angular resources, including libraries, tools, and articles. This repository is perfect for Angular developers looking to enhance their skills and projects.
- Awesome Vue A comprehensive collection of Vue.jsresources, including libraries, tools, and tutorials. This list is perfect for developers using Vue.jsto build interactive user interfaces.
- Awesome Svelte A curated list of Svelte resources, including libraries, tools, and tutorials. Ideal for developers exploring the Svelte framework for building fast and dynamic web applications.
- TypeScript Repository The official repository for TypeScript, containing source code, documentation, and examples to help you leverage the power of TypeScript in your projects.
(https://javascript30.com/)[Javascript IN 30 DAYS]
These are some free Certificates You can obtain online. Post them on your LinkedIn and CV! From our Awesome-Certificates repo ⭐ 🏅= Digital Badge 🏆 = Certificate of Completion
Course Name | Course Provider | Level | Hour(s) | Reward |
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification | FreeCodeCamp | Professional | 300 | 🏆 |
JavaScript | HackerRank | Beginner | 1.5 | 🏆 |
MongoDB for JavaScript Developers | MongoDB | Intermediate | 6.5 | 🏆 |
If you learn best by building from Our Build-Your-Own-X repo ⭐
- C# / TypeScript / JavaScript: Learning how to write a 3D soft engine from scratch in C#, TypeScript or JavaScript
- Java / JavaScript: Build your own 3D renderer
- JavaScript / Pseudocode: Computer Graphics from scratch
- JavaScript: A cryptocurrency implementation in less than 1500 lines of code
- JavaScript: Build your own Blockchain in JavaScript
- JavaScript: Learn & Build a JavaScript Blockchain
- JavaScript: Creating a blockchain with JavaScript
- JavaScript: How To Launch Your Own Production-Ready Cryptocurrency
- JavaScript: Writing a Blockchain in Node.js
- Node.js: Create a CLI tool in Javascript
- JavaScript: Dagoba: an in-memory graph database
- JavaScript: GameBoy Emulation in JavaScript
- JavaScript: WTF is JSX (Let's Build a JSX Renderer)
- JavaScript: A DIY guide to build your own React
- JavaScript: Building React From Scratch [video]
- JavaScript: Gooact: React in 160 lines of JavaScript
- JavaScript: Learn how React Reconciler package works by building your own lightweight React DOM
- JavaScript: Build Yourself a Redux
- JavaScript: Let’s Write Redux!
- JavaScript: Redux: Implementing Store from Scratch [video]
- JavaScript: Build Your own Simplified AngularJS in 200 Lines of JavaScript
- JavaScript: Make Your Own AngularJS
- JavaScript: How to write your own Virtual DOM
- JavaScript: Building a frontend framework, from scratch, with components (templating, state, VDOM)
- JavaScript: Build your own React
- JavaScript: Building a Custom React Renderer [video]
- JavaScript: 2D breakout game using Phaser
- JavaScript: How to Make Flappy Bird in HTML5 With Phaser
- JavaScript: Developing Games with React, Redux, and SVG
- JavaScript: Build your own 8-Ball Pool game from scratch [video]
- JavaScript: How to Make Your First Roguelike
- JavaScript: Think like a programmer: How to build Snake using only JavaScript, HTML & CSS
- JavaScript: Gitlet
- JavaScript: Build GIT - Learn GIT
- JavaScript / Java: Neural Networks - The Nature of Code [video]
- JavaScript: Neural networks from scratch for JavaScript linguists (Part1 — The Perceptron)
- JavaScript: How Physics Engines Work
- JavaScript: Broad Phase Collision Detection Using Spatial Partitioning
- JavaScript: Build a simple 2D physics engine for JavaScript games
- JavaScript: The Super Tiny Compiler
- JavaScript: The Super Tiny Interpreter
- JavaScript: Little Lisp interpreter
- JavaScript: How to implement a programming language in JavaScript
- JavaScript: Build a Regex Engine in Less than 40 Lines of Code
- JavaScript: How to implement regular expressions in functional javascript using derivatives
- JavaScript: Implementing a Regular Expression Engine
- JavaScript: JavaScript template engine in just 20 lines
- JavaScript: Understanding JavaScript Micro-Templating
- Node.js: Build Your Own Web Server From Scratch In JavaScript
- Node.js: Let's code a web server from scratch with NodeJS Streams
- Node.js: lets-build-express
- JavaScript: Build Your Own Module Bundler - Minipack
- JavaScript: Learn JavaScript Promises by Building a Promise from Scratch
- JavaScript: Implementing promises from scratch (TDD way)
- JavaScript: Implement your own — call(), apply() and bind() method in JavaScript
- JavaScript: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- JavaScript: Build a ride hailing app with React Native
- JavaScript: Build Your Own AdBlocker in (Literally) 10 Minutes
From our free-programming-books repo ⭐
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide - Airbnb (HTML)
- Basic JavaScript for the impatient programmer - Axel Rauschmayer (HTML)
- Bible of JS - Harsh Sharma, Sheryians Coding School
- Book of Modern Frontend Tooling - Various (HTML) (CC BY-NC)
- Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript - Gerd Wagner (HTML,PDF)
- Clean Code JavaScript - Ryan McDermott (HTML)
- Crockford's JavaScript - Douglas Crockford (HTML)
- Deep JavaScript: Theory and techniques - Axel Rauschmayer (HTML)
- Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications - Emmit Scott (PDF+livebook)
- Dev Docs - Various (HTML)
- DOM Enlightenment - Cody Linley
- Eloquent JavaScript 3rd edition - Marijn Haverbeke (HTML, PDF, EPUB, MOBI) (CC BY-NC)
- Essential Javascript - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
- Exploring ES6 - Axel Rauschmayer (HTML)
- Functional-Light JavaScript - Kyle Simpson (HTML)
- Google JavaScript Style Guide - Aaron Whyte, Bob Jervis, Dan Pupius, Erik Arvidsson, Fritz Schneider, Robby Walker (HTML)
- Human JavaScript - Henrik Joreteg (HTML)
- JavaScript (ES2015+) Enlightenment - Cody Lindley (HTML)
- JavaScript Allongé - Reginald Braithwaite (HTML)
- JavaScript Bible - Danny Goodman (PDF)
- JavaScript Challenges Book - Tomás Corral Casas (HTML)
- JavaScript ES6 and beyond - Alberto Montalesi (PDF, epub)
- JavaScript For Beginners - Microsoft
- JavaScript For Cats - Maxwell Ogden (HTML)
- JavaScript for Data Science - Maya Gans, Toby Hodges, Greg Wilson (HTML)
- JavaScript for Impatient Programmers (ES2020 edition) - Axel Rauschmayer (HTML)
- JavaScript for Impatient Programmers (ES2022 edition) - Axel Rauschmayer (HTML)
- JavaScript from ES5 to ESNext - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) (email address requested)
- JavaScript Fundamentals, Plus a Dash Of JQuery - for dinner ladies - Nicholas Johnson (HTML)
- JavaScript Handbook - Flavio Copes (HTML, PDF)
- JavaScript Interview #35 - Coderslang Master (PDF, email address requested, not required)
- JavaScript Notes for Professionals - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
- JavaScript Patterns Collection - Shi Chuan (HTML)
- JavaScript Spessore - Reginald Braithwaite (HTML) (:card_file_box: archived)
- JavaScript Succinctly - Cody Lindley (PDF, Kindle; email address requested, not required)
- JavaScript the Right Way - William Oliveira, Allan Esquina (HTML)
- Javascript Tutorial
- JavaScript Wikibook - Wikibooks (HTML, PDF)
- JavaScript with Classes - Diogo Eichert (EPUB)
- JS Robots - Mark Daggett (PDF) (:card_file_box: archived)
- Leaflet Tips and Tricks: Interactive Maps Made Easy - Malcolm Maclean (HTML)
- Learn JavaScript - Suman Kumar, Github Contributors (HTML, PDF)
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns - Addy Osmani (HTML)
- Let's Learn ES6 - Ryan Christiani (Superbook format)
- Managing Space and Time with JavaScript - Book 1: The Basics - Noel Rappin (dead link)
- Modern JavaScript - Daniel Rubio
- Mozilla Developer Network's JavaScript Guide - Mozilla Developer Network contributors (HTML)
- MythBusters JS - Kiko Beats (HTML)
- Neural Networks with JavaScript Succinctly - James McCaffrey (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
- Oh My JS - Azat Mardanov (HTML) (:card_file_box: archived)
- Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture - Addy Osmani (HTML)
- Practical Modern JavaScript - Nicolas Bevacqua (HTML)
- Professor Frisby’s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming - Brian Lonsdorf (HTML)
- Robust Client-Side JavaScript - Matthias Schäfer (HTML, EPUB)
- Single page apps in depth - Mixu (HTML)
- Software Design by Example: A Tool-Based Introduction with JavaScript - Greg Wilson (HTML)
- Speaking JavaScript - Axel Rauschmayer
- Standard ECMA-262 ECMAScript 2016 Language Specification - Ecma International (HTML,PDF)
- The Code Challenge Book - Daniel Borowski (PDF)
- The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) (email address requested)
- The JavaScript Way - Baptiste Pesquet
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial - Ilya Kantor (HTML)
- The Problem with Native JavaScript APIs - Nicholas C. Zakas (PDF, email address requested)
- Thinking in JavaScript - Aravind Shenoy (Kindle)
- Understanding ECMAScript 6 - Nicholas C. Zakas (HTML)
- Understanding JavaScript OOP - Quil (HTML)
- Understanding the DOM — Document Object Model - Tania Rascia (PDF, EPUB)
- You Don't Know JS - Kyle Simpson (HTML, PDF, EPUB, MOBI)