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Project Part 4 Final Checkpoint

Amos-lii edited this page Apr 12, 2021 · 8 revisions


Addressing feedback:

Address any TA feedback on the previous project part.

Code Base of Prototype:

Your source code will be inspected. The code should conform to some consistent coding convention. Maintain the source code in your source repository.

Code Documentation:

java docs:

Test Cases:

Write runnable tests for your model and control classes. Provide intent tests for the requirements you have done. Deliver the test code to your source repository. If you have test data files, also include those. Test data should be realistic.

Object-Oriented Design:

Product Backlog:

User Interface Mockups and Storyboards:

Sprint Planning and Reviews:

Maintain a record of what user stories are planned for each weekly sprint at its start, including who is to work on them. For each intermediate week, in the lab, have a sprint review with your TA mentor and all team members present to review the completed user stories.


Record an engaging demo. The final prototype should show the usability of its user interface and the degree to which its functionality fulfills the user's needs. All team members must contribute to the demo. Tool Use: consistent tool use throughout the project, including github, the issue tracker, etc. No circumvention by using email or google drive to share code.