This is the task for the datascience internship stream. As a screening exercise we are going to be using the classic "Titanic dataset" Kaggle competition problem. You can find everything you need on Kaggle (
We would like you to do the problem in python, and send us the python script or notebook (preferably a notebook). We don't expect you to get ground breaking results. We just want to see that you can follow instructions, do some research and solve a problem. There is a ton of help material on this problem on the internet, as well a lot of kernels (solution notebooks) on Kaggle, but don't be an idiot and directly copy one, make sure you do it for yourself and understand what each part of the solution is doing (We will easily be able to tell the difference).
The technologies you will want to look into are:
- pandas
- scikit-learn
but like I said there are a lot of tutorials out there.