My dotfiles for ArchLinux
shell with.bash_profile
(wrapper aroundxinit
) with file.xinitrc
Use ALSA instead of pulse-audio
in .xinitrc
and .bash_profile
export ALSA_CARD="Generic"
sets the default sound output device to the inbuilt speakers
using surf:
ALSA_CARD=Generic surf # this becomes redundant, its the implied default
ALSA_CARD=Headset surf # if you want to use the headset
Unfortunately, you can’t change the enviroment variables of an already running process. This means that if you want to change sound output from the inbuilt speakers to headsets, you would have to start a new process.
The file default.css
will be default make everywebpage have inverted colors.
This is a crude form of dark/night mode that works really well.
If a page already has a dark theme, then turn off the inversion with CTRL+Shift+m.
aliases surf
so that if the command is run with empty args, it will use by default.
Add an additional keyboard layout for APL in .xinitrc
pacman -Qkk
For example
: # check which package owns a file
: pacman -Qo /etc/i3status.conf
/etc/i3status.conf is owned by i3status
: # If no changes were made:
: pacman -Qkk i3status
i3status: 12 total files, 0 altered files
: # If some changes were made:
: pacman -Qkk i3status
backup file: i3status: /etc/i3status.conf (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: i3status: /etc/i3status.conf (Size mismatch)
backup file: i3status: /etc/i3status.conf (MD5 checksum mismatch)
backup file: i3status: /etc/i3status.conf (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
i3status: 12 total files, 0 altered files