Handwritten Math Expressions Recognition
- Refine on given training set
- NIST – Refine (For English Characters)
- CROHME (For math symbols): Online dataset to offline-like data : opencv.dilate + Gaussian blur
Digits: 0-9
Characters: x, y, a, b, c, d, m, n, p, delta, f, h, k, sin, cos, tan, A, pi
Operators: +, -, *, /, =, sqrt, ^, _, bar, frac, cdots, (, )
Architecture: ResNet-50
Small window filters with various sizes to scan after opencv.findContours()
A Region Proposal-like Network for incompletely segmented parts
Merge decomposition parts of signs like =, /, cdots to one rectangle with RNN(LSTM)
From symbol locations (4 points) and its label to adjust label and write to data structure
- Tree-like ADT to hold math expressions
- From ADT to latex