A searchable application with accessible session search history providing current weather and 5-day, 3-hour forecast for cities across the globe, utilizing the HTTP request capability via AJAX, obtainining and parsing JSON weather data from the third-party OpenWeatherMap API.
CSS styling done utilizing Milligram.io minimalist CSS framework.
The application displays the current weather and forecast information for two cities when loaded - Lviv, Ukraine, and Philadelphia, PA, USA - two cities biographically important to the author of the app. The local information (Philadelphia) persists, while the information about Lviv is dynamically replaced by successive searches.
A wind rose is displayed both for esthetic pleasure and to help orient the user as to the meaning of the wind degree data. Additional reference charts for interpreting the UV index and the humidity-based heat index are also included are also included.
Search history is accessible via clickable buttons in the header, which can help reload the information without retyping the city name. The information is not allowed to persist beyond the current session and clears when the page is reloaded.
As with all the projects featured to date, many thanks to the wonderful educational team of instructors and support staff from the Coding Bootcamp Program, administered by University of Pennsylvania's College of Liberal and Professional Studies in collaboration with Trilogy Education Services.
Additional thanks to:
- OpenWeatherMap API - for providing access to real-time weather data.
- Milligram.io - for a beautiful minimalist CSS framework.
- Radar24 for the wind rose.
- AccuWeather for the UV index chart
- Calculator.net for the Farenheit-based heat index chart
- Srjskam for the Celsius-based heat index chart
You are welcome to submit any suggestions on improving the functionality or the esthetics of the app, if you feel sufficiently motivated to do so. Contact information