Here all the lab and project sources should be stored and submitted by the student to their private course repository. The repository MUST be shared with the instructor and only with him. The student MUST commit and push to GitHub periodically after finishing work on every part of a lab or a project. The repository will be checked regularly by the instructor or an automated script and graded. Ensure to keep the directory in good order. Ensure to precisely follow the naming convention for directories, files, and classes. Your grade will be lowered if the naming is incorrect and the autograder fails to test your work. Do not share your work, and don't plagiarize other people's work. Your repository will be checked for plagiarism from time to time. In the case of a severe infraction, you will be reported to the registrar's office and automatically fail the course.
Install the following software on your machine and clone the remote repository.
Commit messages should briefly explain the nature of change. Project commits may contain a detailed commit description on a separate line.
Finish Lab 1, Part 1
Finish Lab 2, Part 2
Finish Part 1 in Project 1
Finish Part 2 in Project 1
You MUST use the following names for directories:
- ...
The structure of the project directory will be explained in the project requirements.