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Blueprint Attributes - Content Examples project

Plugin adding full BP support for GAS Attribute Sets.

GBA_ is a prefix for Gameplay Blueprint Attributes, and used as a naming convention to prefix BP AttributeSets asset names across the project.

Engine compatibility

Developed on 5.1 - Should be compatible with Unreal 5.1 versions and higher (you can tweak .uproject EngineAssociation field to match your launcher installed engine)


Last packaged game build can be found in the releases page:


In /Game/Maps

  • 01_BlueprintAttributes_Welcome - Default entry level map
  • 02_Builtin_Clamping - Built-in clamping example
  • 03_MMC - Modifier Magnitude Calculation example - Fatigue / Weight attributes with MoveSpeed / JumpHeight derived attributes (Warning: MoveSpeed specifically is not properly implemented for multiplayer, proper MoveSpeed replication on CMC goes a bit beyond the scope of this demo project)
  • 04_ExecClasses - Gameplay Effect Execution Class example - Damage output calculation based on AttackPower and Armor mitigation.
  • 05_SaveGame - Save Game example - Gold attribute acting as a currency that gets increased when a box is destroyed. Ctrl+S to save the value, Ctrl+L to load it back.

In a packaged build, you can navigate to a given map using the console command open Map_Name, for instance open 05_SaveGame.


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