Build a docker containing QBasic4.5
OR just pull it from docker hub
docker pull jacknorthrup/qbasic-docker
to start the docker image:
xhost +local:docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}'
docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
qbasic/dockerized /bin/bash
To make it fly : enter the container and type dosbox , you may need to do it twice sometimes it requires a second time -- in the dosbox type:
mount c /qb45
#dockerbox will verify the mount .. #what this did was make a point of entry for your dosbox. Basically it created a 'point of entry' >> C:/qb45 #to utilize this 'point of entry' #type a capital C and a colon, then press enter then the QB.EXE ( ALL capitals ) and enter. C: QB.EXE and your QuickBasic console opens Ta Dah !!