You should not download this version when you plan to use either :
- NexoPOS :
- Gastro :
- Self Ordering Kiosk : Since, NexoPOS already ship a maintained version of Tendoo CMS.
Are you looking for some handy tools to create your web applications ? Tendoo CMS is build for you.
This repository aim to offer an easy and very handy tools to help Codeigniter developper to create website and web applications.
Easy way to handle CodeIgniter libraries : let assume youhave serveral libraries that you want to test on your projet. If youwere using default CodeIgniter installation, for each third libraries, you was forced to extract each files within the package to put them in the right folder, and if you wanted to remove that library, it was required for you to keep in mind all those files you wanted to remove to successfully remove that library.
Tendoo CMS offer an easy was to install those library with a module management system, which help you to install, enable, delete and share installed module easily.
The new release 3.0.5 support .po files, for better internationalization.
We also use popular classes and libraries (both JS and PHP) to create a more powerful CMS based on CodeIgniter. We are also inspired by existing CMS (for not wasting time reinventing the wheel) and use popular API such as Plugin API from WordPress, for better performance and extensibility.
You can log in to test the new branch in action.
credientials : email : [email protected] password : tendoo
Get to module installation screen
More a coming...
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