Collection of different Rails Application templates to bootstrap new projects.
Inspired by thoughtbot/suspenders but not a gem.
Make sure you have rails installed to run rails new
gem install rails
To use the rails-base
template, run
rails new project_name -m
By default this will create a new git repository and a functional Rails Application.
There might be some dependencies missing, depending on your system.
Application gems
- jQuery Rails for jQuery
- Postgres for access to the Postgres database
- Unicorn to serve HTTP requests
- Rails 12 Factor to make running Rails 4 apps easier on Heroku
- rails-i18n to manage locales
Development gems
- Dotenv for loading environment variables
- Pry Rails for debugging
- Spring for fast Rails actions via pre-loading
Testing gems
- Capybara for integration testing
- Factory Girl for test data
- RSpec for unit testing
- Shoulda Matchers for common RSpec matchers
- Rails' flashes set up and in application layout
- A few nice time formats set up for localization
- Rack::Deflater to compress responses with Gzip
- Fast-failing factories
Just like Suspenders, Accelerate fixes several of Rails' insecure defaults:
- Accelerate uses Unicorn instead of WEBrick, allowing less verbose Server headers.
- Accelerate is configured to pull your application secret key base from an environment variable, which means you won't need to risk placing it in version control.