You can also find the project Hosted on
Download the files of this Repository and extract the Contents of shells folder must be in the main directory.
The Project's backend is Python. We have used Python's frameworks (Django and Flash) .
sudo apt-get install python
Virtual Envirement wraps all the dependencies and doesn't mess the main python framework versions.
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
mkdir project
cd project
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Move the downloaded files to the project folder.
sudo apt-get install python-pip
This installs Python-PIP Now Install Django requirements.
pip install -r requirments.txt
Install Flask
cd CTFd
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Now all the requirements have been installed.
You can run the base website servers ( on port 8000)
(in the root directory: cybersecurity )
python runserver
To run the CTF (Capture the Flag) (Quizzes-like) Module..
python CTFd/
Since we are giving the BASH Shell : It could be given by runnning on port 3000
node websehell-server app.js -p 3000
you can now check the website (Preferably Chrome Browser) at the url " http://localhost:8000 "
- Signup by providing a password with length of minimum 8 characters.
- Login
- Add articles if logged in.
- If Participating in CTF. Please register as a Team. and then Login.
- If using shell (On clicking Shell), use (user ID : 'guest' , password : 'guest') .If it doesn't work use (user ID : 'foo' , password : 'bar')
go to http://localhost:8000/admin id:admin use password said to you. :)
we have used the Amazon Web Services for Hosting.
Thank You .