Please visit the wiki link to understand the system architecture, technologies used for implementation.
Goal of the project is to build a website using microservices architecture and achieve service discovery, load balancing, fault tolerance, scalability. Used Kuberenetes to achieve the above concepts.
CI/CD technologies: Travis CI (CI - to verify builds), Jenkins, Dockerhub, Shell scripts (CD) Demo:
Project Demo:
Technologies Used: Spring Boot, Python/Flask, NodeJs/Express, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, Docker, Jenkins, Kuberenetes, Apache zookeeper, Travis CI, MySQL.
DockerHub Repository for build images:
Branches Details: Each microservice is treated as their own project.
- dev_aravind: SpringBoot Microservice handles the search component by querying an Elastic Search cluster
- devbranch_node_express_ms: Node/Express Microservices handles the login and sign up functionality
- python_flask_ms: Python microservice ressponsible for home screen data and recommendations for user
- dev_node_controller: Controller utilizing all the microservices written in Node JS
- All the branches have their own Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile which is used by Jenkins to push docker images after building them.
- They also have their kubernetes deployment and service yaml files.