bMenu is a lua version of vMenu, I came up with doing this because vMenu is basically abandoned now but it's still a great resource, I could've kept it in C# but I wanted to do it in lua because more people understand it so people can contribute more easily. This is not finished and is still a work in progress, if you want to contribute, feel free to do so by forking this repository and making a pull request. Please don't use this in a live environment yet as no permissions besides one for the command/keybind are setup and this is still unfinished.
Another note, please don't change the name of this resource when using this, I will be setting up kvp like done in vMenu soon and that will require the resource name to be the same in every server for the user settings to load.
Releases will be pushed once version 1.0.0 is ready, I won't be updating the version until I find that the menu is ready-to-use (thus 1.0.0 will be created).
If you've got any ideas that you'd like implemented or things you'd want changed, feel free to make an issue or a pull request with the changes you want.
Yes I took the license from vMenu and edited it a bit to match this name and add myself to it, it's a good license.
Without any of the following requirements, this resource won't start
If you want to contact me, you can do that in either the issues or on Discord by adding me as a friend by my username berkieb
or by joining my discord
Same as vMenu but a little edited but kept TomGrobbe in there