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My Ideal utopian world would be a parallel universe in which coding was the official language and no one spoke it fluently, therefore it would be critical for a handful extremely competent developers to enable for humanity to communicate!
The worst Science fiction script at worse or our near future reality at best! You be the judge!
I digress, but my point Is founded on the belief that learning to code would make us all rounded better human beings altogether, more rational and certainly better at solving some of the most pressing challenges we face on a global scale!
To me it seems as if we are making more and more of Irrational decisions every day and our collective IQ is on a decline for various reasons and the only hope it seems is CODING! Or so I believe!
A world where every decision is made based on tried and tested algorithm involving consistent and meticulous scripting, eliminating human bias. Decisions are made purely on logical arguments.
Freaky robotic utopia or a perfectly unencumbered world!
And on that scary note my odd script is done and I am the worst script writer known to man, no pun intended! God save us all! Let us Code! 😀 🤞
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Execute Program!
- 🌱 I’m interested in learning frontend and backend developement with a special interest in JavaScript.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other developers learning to code.
- 🥅 2022 Goals: Collaborate more on projects, master Javascript, CSS and Git workflow.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to read and play football